Amygdala and septal lesions on light-dark box avoidance in rats
Kleiner, F.B., Meyer P.M., Meyer D.R. - 1967
One-trial passive avoidance light-dark box of mice
Jarvik, M.E., Kopp R. - 1967
Stimulus associated to escape from footshock in rats
Wahlsten, D., Cole M., Fantino E. - 1967
Safe box and footshock avoidance in rats
Wahlsten, D. , Cole M., Fantino E. - 1967
Avoidance "memory transfer" by means of brain extract from rats to mice
Ungar, G., Irwin L.N. - 1967
Atropine on passive avoidance acquisition, retrieval and extinction in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J., Bohdanecky Z., Weiss T. - 1964
Similar and dissimilar shock and safe box on active avoidance learning and extinction in rats
Denny, M.R., Weisman R.G. - 1964
Light-dark box, detention, handling and habituation in rats
Fowler, A. - 1963
Acquisition and retention of acquired avoidance with gentling as reinforcement in rats
Candland, D.K., Horowitz S.H., Culbertson J.L. - 1962
Exploration and alternation in blck-white T-maze in rats
Dember, W.N. - 1956