Hippocampal, entorhinal and perirhinal lesions on aodor association and food rewarded alternation in the rat
Alvarez, P., Lipton P.A., Melrose R., Eichenbaum H. - 2001
Hippocampal and fornix lesions on conditioned place preference in rats
Ferbinteanu, J., McDonald R - 2001
Medial caudate-putamen lesions in spatial learning of the rat
Sakamoto, T., Okaichi H. - 2001
Perirhinal cortex lesions on object and spatial information in rats
Bussey, T.J., Dias R., Amin E., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2001
Hippocampal CA3 lesions and adrenocortical suppression on water maze retrieval in the rat
Roozendaal, B., Phillips R.G., Power A.E., Brooke S.M., Sapolsky R.M., McGaugh J.L. - 2001
Dentate gyrus and CA1 lesions on spatial and non-spatial memory in rats
Gilbert, P.E., Kesner R.P., Lee I. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on place responce in rats
Ramos, J.M.J. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on goal location recognition in spatial navigation in rats
Hollup, S.A., Kjelstrup K.G., Hoff J., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I. - 2001
Hippocampus and anterior thalamic nuclei on allothetic spatial learning in rats
Warburton, E.C., Baird A.L., Morgan A., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions on recognition memory and Y- and T-maze task in rats
Higgs, S., Bannerman D.M., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2001
Bilateral dorsal hippocampus and parietal cortex lesions on path integration of rats
Save, E., Guazzelli A., Poucet B. - 2001
Bilateral parietal lobe damage in humans and representation of space
Kim, M.-S., Robertson L.C. - 2001
Cholinergic system and corticotropin releasing hormone on spatial learning
Steckler, T., Holsboer F. - 2001
Adenosine A1/A2 receptor blockade on circadian retention of spatial memory in rats
Hauber, W., Barei A. - 2001
Zif268 gene in mice on long-term potentiation and long-term memories in mice
Jones, M.W., Errington M.L., French P.J., Fine A., Bliss T.V.P., Garel S., Charnay P., Bozon B., Laroche S., Davis S. - 2001
Place cell firing and Y-maze alternation in rats
Lenck-Santini, P.-P., Save E., Poucet B. - 2001
Circadian phase-shift and acquisition and retention in water maze of rats
Devan, B.D., Goad E.H., Petri H.L., Antoniadis E.A., Hong N.S., Ko C.H., Leblanc L., Lebovic S.S., Lo Q., Ralph M.R., McDonald R.J. - 2001
Intra-hippocampal testosterone or antagonist on spatial navigation in rats
Naghdi, N., Nafisy N., Majlessi N. - 2001
Extra-maze and intra-maze cues in spatial navigation in rats
Stuchlik, A., Fenton A.A., Bures J. - 2001
Place field in hippocampus and spatial learning in rats
Hollup, S.A., Molden S., Donnett J.G., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I. - 2001
Hippocampal lesions in rats on delayed nonmatching-to-sample task
Clark, R.E., West A.N., Zola S.M., Squire L.R. - 2001
Spatial learning and morphine-rewarded place preference in mice
Xu, N.-J., Wang L.-Z., Wu C.-F., Pei G. - 2001
Platelet-activating factor and NMDA receptors in hippocampus and nucleus caudate on spatial memory in rats
Teather, L.A., Packard M.G., Bazan N.G. - 2001
Brain glucose and glucose during spatial task in rats
McNay, E.C., McCarty R.C., Gold P.E. - 2001
NMDA receptors, hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial memory in rats
Brun, V.H., Ytterbo K., Morris R.G.M., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I. - 2001
Hippocampal place fields in spatial memory in rats
Hollup, S.A., Molden S., Donnett J.G., Moser M.-B., Moser E.I. - 2001
Multiple brain-memory systems - Review
Kim, J.J., Baxter M.G. - 2001
Stress, long-term potentiation and spatial learning - Review
Garcia, R. - 2001
Pallido-thalamic circuitry in working memory in rats
Kalivas, P.W., Jackson D., Romanidies A., Wyndham L., Duffy P. - 2001
Discrimination between ambiguous and non ambiguous features in rats
Maes, J.H.R., Vossen J.M.H. - 2001