Central noradrenaline depletion on exploration and water maze performance in rats
Lapiz, M.D.S., Mateo Y., Durkin S., Parker T., Marsden C.A. - 2001
Hippocampal, amygdalar and dorsal striatal lesions effects on conditioned taste aversion, spatial navigation and place aversion in rats
Clarke, H.A., Skinner D.M., van der Kooy D. - 2001
Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 activation by stress in the hippocampus and amygdala and spatial learning in rats
Akirav, I., Sandi C., Richter-Levin G. - 2001
Amygdala lesion effects on stress-related hippocampal long-term potentiation, glucocorticoids and water maze task in rats
Kim, J.J., Lee H.J., Han J.-S., Packard M.G. - 2001
Hippocampus and amnesia - Review
Rosenbaum, R.S., Winocur G., Moscovitch M. - 2001
Diazepam and β-carboline-3-carboxylate on working memory and emotional reactivity in mice
Krazem, A., Borde N., Beracochea D. - 2001
Chlordiazepoxide on non-spatial reference memory in cued radial arm maze in rats
Olaman, S.J., McNaughton N. - 2001
Left and right hippocampus in pigeon's spatial navigation
Gagliardo, A., Ioalè P., Odetti F., Bingman V.P., Siegel J.J., Vallortigara G. - 2001
Landmark information in left and right hemispheres of chick brain
Tommasi, L., Vallortigara G. - 2001
Impairment of maze learning in rats by restricting environmental space
Mitsushima, D., Funabashi T., Shinohara K., Kimura F. - 2001
Accumbal NMDA and AMPA receptors on novelty, habituation and spatial change in mice
Roullet, P., Sargolini F., Oliverio A., Mele A. - 2001
Exploratory patterns in a complex maze
Poucet, B., Herrmann T. - 2001
Chronic restraint stress on open field and radial arm maze in female rats
Bowman, R.E., Zrull M.C., Lume V.N. - 2001
Head direction cells in spatial memory and exploration in rats: antero-dorsal thalamic nucleus role
Golob, E.J., Stackman R.W., Wong A.C., Taube J.S. - 2001
Calcium calmodulin kinase IV signaling on long-term memory in transgenic mice
Kang, H., Sun L.D., Atkins C.M., Soderling T.R., Wilson M.A., Tonegawa S. - 2001
Age on object exploration, habituation and spatial/non-spatial change in rats
Shukitt-Hale, B., Casadesus G., Cantuti-Castelvetri I., Joseph J.A. - 2001
Hippocampal kindling on exploration, object recognition and spatial learning in rats
Hannesson, D.K., Howland J., Pollock M., Mohapel P., Wallace A.E., Corcoran M.E. - 2001
Corticotropin-releasing factor related peptide on water maze and open field performance in rats
Zorrilla, E.P., Schulteis G., Ling N., Koob G.F., De Souza E.B. - 2001
Intra-cerebroventricular corticotropin-releasing factor on spatial learning and anxiety in rats
Zorrilla, E.P., Schulteis G., Ling N., Koob G.I., De Souza E.B. - 2001
MDL73005 on water-maze performance and locomotor activity in scopolamine-treated rats
Bertrand, F., Lehmann O., Galani R., Lazarus C., Jeltsch H., Cassel J.-C. - 2001
Calcium channel antagonists enhance retention of passive avoidance and maze learning in mice
Quartermain, D., Garcia de Soria V., Kwan A. - 2001
Sex and age on active place avoidance in rats
Cimadevilla, J.M., Fenton A.A., Bures J. - 2001
Dorsal striatal glutamate receptors on passive avoidance and water maze tasks in rats
Packard, M.G., Vecchioli S.F., Schroeder J.P., Gasbarri A. - 2001
Spatial representation in body-centered coordinates in humans
Galati, G., Committeri G., Sanes J.N., Pizzamiglio L. - 2001
Posterior cingulate cortex lesions on allothetic and idiothetic spatial behavior in the rat
Whishaw, I.Q., Maaswinkel H., Gonzalez C.L.R., Kolb B. - 2001
Subthalamic nucleus lesions on response selection in appetitive rewarding of rats
Baunez, C., Humby T., Eagle D.M., Ryan L.J., Dunnett S.B., Robbins T.W. - 2001
Hippocampal damage, landmark and spatial navigation in the rat
Ramos, J.M.J. - 2001
Dentate nucleus lesions on spatial navigation in the rat
Joyal, C.C., Strazielle C., Lalonde R. - 2001
Neonatal dentate gyrus lesions on allothetic and idiothetic navigation of rats
Czeh, B., Stuchlik A., Wesierska M., Cimadevilla J.M., Pokorny J., Seress L., Bures J. - 2001
Fornix and medial prefrontal cortex lesions on water maze performance in the rat
De Bruin, J.P.C., Moita M.P., de Brabander H.M., Joosten R.N.J.M.A. - 2001