Opioid Ro64-6198 and FQ nociceptin peptide on learning and memory in rats and mice
Higgins, G.A., Kew J.N.C., Richards J.G., Takeshima H., Jenck F., Adam G., Wichmann J., Kemp J.A., Grottick A.J. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions on avoidance and spatial learning in mice
Deacon, R.M.J., Bannerman D.M., Kirby B.P., Croucher A., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions and blindness on T-maze avoidance in mice
Farr, S.A., Banks W.A., La Scola M.E., Morley J.E. - 2002
Brain interleukin-1 on spatial memory and passive avoidance in rats
Yirmiya, R., Winocur G., Goshen I. - 2002
Time of day modulation and learning in rats
McDonald, R.J., Hong N.S., Ray C., Ralph M.R. - 2002
Anterodorsal and ventromedial thalamus nuclei lesions on spatial memory in rats
Van Groen, T., Kadish I., Wyss J.M. - 2002
Climbing and parallel fiber inputs on cerebellar cortex activity in spatial navigation of the rat
Rondi-Reig, L., Le Marec N., Caston J., Mariani J. - 2002
Fimbria-fornix, hippocampus and entorhinal cortex lesions on spatial reference and working memory in rats
Galani, R., Obis S., Coutureau E., Jarrard L., Cassel J.-C. - 2002
Retrosplenial lesions on spatial learning in different rat strains
Harker, K.T., Whishaw I.Q. - 2002
Hippocamapal CA3 axon transection on spatial memory retention in rats
Steffenach, H.-A., Sloviter R.S., Moser E.I., Moser M.-B. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions and spatial navigation in mice
Deacon, R.M.J., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Septal cholinergic neurons on T-maze performance in the rat
Johnson, D.A., Zambon N.J., Gibbs R.B. - 2002
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus role in radial maze tasks in rats
Keating, G.L., Winn P. - 2002
Fornix or hippocampus lesions on spatial learning in rats
Sziklas, V., Petrides M. - 2002
Role of prefrontal cortex, cholinergic and dopaminergic systems in place learning in rats
Mogensen, J., Christensen L.H., Johansson A., Wortwein G., Bang L.E., Holm S. - 2002
Hemicerebellectomy and vestibular stimulation on spatial working memory in rats
Aversano, M., Sacchi R., Memoli R., Graziano A., Petrosini L. - 2002
Dopaminergic substantia nigra lesions on spatial and cued water maze task in rats
Miyoshi, E., Wietzikoski S., Complessei M., Silveira R., Takahashi R.N., Da Cunha C. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions on spatial navigation strategy in the rat
Pouzet, B., Zhang W.-N., Feldon J., Rawlins J.N.P. - 2002
Anterior thalamic nuclei lesions on sensory preconditioning in rats
Ward-Robinson, J., Wilton L.A.K., Muir J.L., Honey R.C., Vann S.D., Aggleton J.P. - 2002
Perirhinal cortex lesions on allothetic spatial memory in rats
Machin, P., Vann S.D., Muir J.L., Aggleton J.P. - 2002
Hemicerebellectomy and spatial learning in the rat
Graziano, A., Leggio M.G., Mandolesi L., Neri P., Molinari M., Petrosini L. - 2002
Retrosplenial lesions on allocentric memory in rats
Vann, S.D., Aggleton J.P. - 2002
Hippocampus on association between stimulus and spatial location in rats
Gilbert, P.E., Kesner R.P. - 2002
Ventral hippocampus lesions on fear expression and spatial memory in rats
Kjelstrup, K.G., Tuvnes F.A., Steffenach H.-A., Murison R., Moser E.I., Moser M.-B. - 2002
Cerebellar lesions on spatial working memory in rats
Aversano, M., Sacchi R., Memoli R., Graziano A., Petrosini L. - 2002
Caudate and accumbens lesions on spatial memory in rats
Mair, R.G., Koch J.K., Newman J.B., Howard J.R., Burk J.A. - 2002
Fimbria-fornix lesions in amyloid plaque mutant mice on spatial learning
Liu, L., Ikonen S., Heikkinen T., Heikkila M., Puolivali J., Van Groen T., Tanila H. - 2002
Fos expression and hippocampal lesions on radial arm maze tasks in rats
He, J., Yamada K., Nakajima A., Kamei H., Nabeshima T. - 2002
Hippocampal lesions on context detection and reversal learning in radial maze in rats
McDonald, R.J., Ko C.H., Hong N.S. - 2002
Anterior thalamic nuclei and fos expression in the rat brain during spatial learning
Jenkins, T.A., Dias R., Amin E., Aggleton J.P. - 2002