Thyrotrophin releasing hormone metabolites and circadian rhythms in rats
Andrews, J.S., Sahgal A. - 1983
Hepatic encephalopathy on circadian locomotion, feeding, drinking, active avoidance and pain sensitivity in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Bucherelli C., Carassale G.L., Giachetti A., Lombardi G., Pellegrini D. - 1983
Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on food intake and circadian rhythms in rats
Saito, M., Ibuka N. - 1983
Suprachiamsatic nucleus lesions on circadian activity in rats
Mori, T., Nagai K., Nakagawa H. - 1983
Circadian photoperiod on feeding, drinking and muricide behavior in rats
Russell, J.W., Singer G. - 1983
Photoperiod on circadian feeding and drinking in rats
Rosenwasser, A.M., Boulos Z., Terman M. - 1983
Circadian inhibition of eating by bombesin in rats
Kraly, F.S., Miller L.A., Gibbs J. - 1983
Computerized feeding and drinking measurement for rats - Technique
West, D.B., Tengan C., Smith W.S., Samson H.H. - 1983
Photoperiod on brain melatonin levels in rats
Pang, S.F. - 1983
Suprachiasmatic hypothalamic nuclei and circadian oscillations - Review
Moore, R.Y. - 1983
Circadian timing system in Mammals - Review
Moore-Ede, M.C. - 1983
Circadian vasopressin levels in cerebrospinal fluid of rats
Schwartz, W.J., Coleman R.J., Reppert S.M. - 1983
Photoperiod and circadian rhythms - Review
Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg S. - 1983
Neurotrasmission and circadian rhythms
Kafka, M.S. - 1983
Periodogram analysis
Harris, G.J., Morgan E. - 1983
Circadian sleep in Brattleboro rats
Danguir, J. - 1983
Corticotropin releasing hormone in Brattleboro rats
Tankosic, P., Burlet A., Jegou S., Chateau M., Vaudry H., Burlet C., Boulangé M. - 1982
Norepinrphrine, serotonin and dopamine on circadian rhythms in mice
Kempf, E., Mandel P., Oliverio A., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1982
Metamphetamine and locomotor activity in mice
Kuribara, H., Tadokoro S. - 1982
Angiotensin converting enzyme, noradrenaline and circadian rhythms in rats
Nahmod, V.E., Balda M.S., Pirola C.J., Finkielman S., Gejman P.V., Cardinali D.P. - 1982
Intra-cerebroventricular or intra-pineal vasotocin on exploratory activity and pineal melatonin in rats: circadian effects
King, M.G., Stinus L., le Moal M., Geffard M. - 1982
Circadian feeding, drinking and locomotor activity in rats
Spiteri, N.J. - 1982
Circadian rhythms and locomotor activity in hamsters
Ellis, G.B., McKlveen R.E., Turek F.W. - 1982
Environmental luminance and circadian locomotor activity in hamsters
Boulos, Z., Rusak B. - 1982
Photoperiod on circadian locomotor activity in hamsters
Earnest, D.J., Turek F.W. - 1982
Spontaneous behaviors of individually- and grouped-housed male rats
Gentsch, C., Lichtsteiner M., Feer H. - 1982
D-L circadian activity in anophthalmic mice
Scheuch, G.C., Johnson W., Conner R.L., Silver J. - 1982
Circadian photoperiod and food availability on feeding and wheel running in rats
Coleman, G.J., Harper S., Clarke J.D., Armstrong S. - 1982
Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on circadian feeding, water intake and renal excretion in rats
Stoynev, A., Ikonomov O.C. - 1982