Cortical and accumbal dopaminergic release and fear-related behaviors in Roman high and low rats
Giorgi, O., Lecca D., Piras G., Driscoll P., Corda M.G. - 2003
Intra-amygdala D3 antagonist effects on facilitation of Pavlovian conditioning induced by isolation rearing in rats
Phillips, G.D., Harmer C.J., Hitchcott P.K. - 2002
Physical and emotional stress on long-term behavioral effects in rats
Pijlman, F.T.A., Wolterink G., van Ree J.M. - 2002
Human amyloid precursor protein overexpression in mice on fear conditioning, grooming and exploration
Gerlai, R., Fitch T., Bales K.R., Gitter B.D. - 2002
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor on grooming and pain threshold in rats
Cirulli, F., Berry A., Alleva E. - 2000
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus lesions and anxiety expression in rats
Podhorna, J., Franklin K.B.J. - 1999
Neonatal rearing environment and choline administration on adult spatial memory in rats
Tees, R.C. - 1999
Hypothalamus on grooming and aggression - Review
Kruk, M.R., Westphal K.G.C., Van Erp A.M.M., van Asperen J., Cave B.J., Slater E., de Koning J., Haller J. - 1998
Licking suppression to different conditioned stimulus in rats: freezing and rearing measurement
Albert, M., Ayres J.J.B. - 1997
Serotonin agonist and antagonist on spontaneous motor activity in rats
Hillegaart, V., Estival A., Ahlenius S. - 1996
Hypothalamic stimulation and neuropeptides on self-grooming in the rat
Bressers, W.M.A., Kruk M.R., Van Erp A.M.M., Willekens-Bramer D.C., Haccou P., Meelis E. - 1995
Apomorphine on locomotion, rearing and gnawing in different rat's strains
Essman, W.D., Luedtke R.R., McGonigle P., Lucki I. - 1995
MK-801 into the nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen on locomotion and grooming in rats
Al-Khatib, I., Karadag H.C., Ulugol A. - 1995
Amphibian skin peptides into rat brain: effects on open field behavior
Itoh, S., Takashima A., Itoh T., Morimoto T. - 1994
Environmental stressors and self-grooming in rats
Van Erp, A.M.M., Kruk M.R., Meelis W., Willekens-Bramer D.C. - 1994
Rearing and locomotor activity in different strains of rat
Buttner, D. - 1993
Cholinergic and glutamatergic systems in lateral entorhinal cortex and rearing behavior in rats
Myhrer, T., Utsikt L., Fjelland J., Iversen E.G., Fonnum F. - 1992
Ethology and neurobiology of grooming - Review
Spruijt, B.M., Van Hooff J.A.R.A.M., Gispen W.H. - 1992
Ethological categorization of rat's open field locomotion
Gonzalez-Burgos, I., Cuevas-Alvarez L. - 1992
Morphine on mouse locomotor/exploratory activity
Loggi, G., Laviola G., Alleva E., Chiarotti F. - 1991
Grooming sequences in rodents and human behavior
Young, R.K., Thiessen D.D. - 1991
Cholinergic receptor agonists on nociception, locomotion and rearing in rats
Gillberg, P.G., Hartvig P., Gordh T., Sottile A., Jansson I., Archer T., Post C. - 1990
Cocaine on multivariate locomotor behavior in rats
Zubrycki, E.M., Giordano M., Sanberg P.R. - 1990
Ontogeny of social behavior and grooming in open field in rats
Frankova, S., Mikulecka A. - 1990
Ketamine on NMDA receptors in rats: long-term habituation spatial and emotional components
Gironi Carnevale, U.A., Vitullo E., Sadile A.G. - 1990
Reaching reaction as a part of the digging pattern in the rat
Bracha, V., Zhuravin I.A., Bures J. - 1990
Angiotensin II on grooming and exploration in rats
Georgiev, V., Opitz M. - 1989
Home base behavior of rats exploring a novel environment: grooming behavior
Eilam, D., Golani I. - 1989
Vasoactive intestinal peptide intracerebroventricular on resting, rearing, feeding and drinking in rodents: sex differences and colecystokinin feedback
Kulkosky, P.J., Doyle J.S., Cook V.I., Glazner G.W., Foderaro M.A. - 1989
Estrous cycle and ovariectomy on avoidance and grooming in rats
Diaz-Veliz, G., Soto V., Dussaubat N., Mora S. - 1989