Periodicity of food intake in light-dark off of rats
Balagura, S., Coscina D.V. - 1986
Circadian rhythms and their mechanisms - Review
Minors, D.S., Waterhouse J.M. - 1986
Neural mechanisms of circadian rhythms - Review
Johnson, C., Hastings J.W. - 1986
Physiology of the circadian timing system - Review
Moore-Ede, M.C. - 1986
Interaction between light and feeding entraiment in rats
Stephan, F.K. - 1986
Active and passive avoidance amnesia induced by circadian phase shift in rats
Fekete, M., van Ree J.M., Niesink R.J.M., de Wied D. - 1985
Motor activity and circadian rhythm: correlation analysis
Diez-Noguera, A., Cambras T., Ribot M., Torralba A. - 1985
Nocturnal feeding and wheel running in rats
Stewart, K.T., Rosenwasser A.M., Adler N.T. - 1985
Circadian rhythms generators - Review
Jacklet, J.W. - 1985
Circadian neural rhythms in mammals
Turek, F.W. - 1985
Pinealectomy and circadian rhythms in avoidance
Català, M.D., Pallardo F., Roman A., Villanueva P., Vina Giner J.M. - 1985
Sleep/wake cycle and circadian rhythm - Commentary
Folkard, S., Hume K.I., Minorst D.S., Waterhouse J. M., Watson F.L. - 1985
Circadian activity of Brattleboro rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A. - 1985
Vasopressin modulation of homeostatic processes - Review
Doris, P.A. - 1984
Psychobiology of opioids: neurotransmitters and behavior - Review
Oliverio, A., Castellano C., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1984
Neural theory of circadian rhythms
Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg S. - 1984
Circadian locomotion, feeding and drinking in adult and old rats
Peng, M.T., Kang M. - 1984
Circadian rhythms in diverse rat strains
Buttner, D., Wollnik F. - 1984
Anticipatory motor activity for feeding in rats
Rosenwasser, A.M., Pelchat R.J., Adler N.T. - 1984
Hepatic encephalopathy on circadian spontaneous locomotor activity in rats
Campbell, A., Jeppson B., James J.H., Ziparo V., Fischer J.E. - 1984
Suprachiamsatic nuclei and feeding behavior in rats
Stephan, F.K. - 1984
Suprachiasmatic nucleus and preoptic medial area on circadian rhythms and sexual behavior in hamsters
Eskes, G.A. - 1984
Biological oscillators - Commentary
Frieseri, W.O., Block G.D. - 1984
Circadian rhythms, sovrachiasmatic nuclei, serotonin and vasopressin - Review
Groos, G., Mason R., Meijer J. - 1983
Circadian rhytms and brain norepinephrine in rats
Kafka, M.S., Wirz-Justice A., Naber D., Moore R.Y., Benedito M.A. - 1983
Photoperiod, oscillations and circadian rhythms - Review
Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg S. - 1983
Active avoidance performed in light and dark phases in rats
Novakova, V., Sterc J., Knez R. - 1983
Substance P on circadian activity in rats
Treptow, K., Oehme P., Gabler E., Bienert M. - 1983
Environmental temperature, photoperiod and circadian locomotor activity in crickets
Wiedenmann, G. - 1983
Photoperiod and circadian activity in rats
Stephan, F.K. - 1983