Meal-related and rhythmic circadian drinking in rats
Johnson, R.F., Johnson A.K. - 1991
Bright light on body temperature, alertness and human circadian rhythms
Badia, P., Myers B., Boecker M., Culpepper J., Harsh J.R. - 1991
Circadian wheel running in three outbred rat strains
Bauer, M.S. - 1990
Suprachiasmatic nuclei, circadian rhythms and food anticipation in rats
Boulos, Z., Logothetis D.E. - 1990
Resynchronization of circadian system in rats: pineal melatonin role
Buresova, O., Benesova M., Illnerova H. - 1990
Food restrictions and circadian rhythms - Review
Mistlberger, R. - 1990
Food and water intake and light-dark cycle in rats
Johnson, R.F., Johnson A.K. - 1990
Neurotransmitters in the Mammalian circadian system - Review
Rusak, B., Bina K.G. - 1990
Strain differences in light-dark preference circadian activity rhythm in rats
Matsuo, M., Tsuji K. - 1989
Sex, thyro-, parathyroidectomy and light regimen on levels and circadian rhythms of wheel-running in rats
Schull, J., Walker J., Fitzgerald K., Hilivirta L., Ruckdeschel J., Schumacher D., Stanger D., McEachron D.L. - 1989
Light intensity on circadian sleep, ambulation and drinking in rats
Usui, S., Takahashi Y., Honda Y., Ebihara S. - 1989
Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on food entrained rhythms in rats
Ruis, J.F., Talamini L.M., Buys J.P., Rietveld W.J. - 1989
Neurophysiology of the suprachiasmatic circadian pacemaker - Review
Meijer, J.H., Rietveld W.J. - 1989
Pineal in diurnal rhythm of nociception in rats
Bar-Or, A., Brown G.M. - 1989
Animal cognition: representation of space, time and number - Review
Gallistel, C.R. - 1989
Reduced amplitude of the circadian sleep rhythm of Brattleboro rats
Brown, M.H., Nunez A.A. - 1989
Amygdalar injection of vasopressin and circadian feeding and drinking in rats
Reghunandanan, V., Marya R.K., Maini B.K., Reghunandanan R. - 1988
Estrous-correlated circadian wheel running activity rhythm in rats
Wollnik, F., Turek F.W. - 1988
Individual housing on circadian hypothalamic serotonin and corticosterone in rats
Greco, A.M., Gambardella P., Sticchi R., D'Aponte D., Di Renzo G., De Franciscis P. - 1988
Anticipatory activity rhythms in free feeding rats
Mistlberger, R., Rusak B. - 1987
Circadian and ultradian rhythms in rats: genetic differences
Wollnik, F., Gartner K., Buttner D. - 1987
Circadian variation of food intake and digestive tract contents in rats
Vachon, C., Savoie L. - 1987
Suprachiasmatic injection of vasopressin antagonist and circadian rhythm of food intake in rats
Reghunandanan, R., Badgaiyan R.D., Marya R.K., Maini B.K. - 1987
Antidepressant and circadian phase-shifting effects of light in humans
Lewy, A.J., Sack R.L., Miller L.S., Hoban T.M. - 1987
Sleep deprivation and circadian phase on electroencephalogram in rats
Trachsel, L., Tobler I., Borbely A.A. - 1987
Vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in cerebrospinal fluid and sleep in rats
Kruisbrink, J., Mirmiran M., Van der Woude T. P., Boer G.J. - 1987
Circadian rhythms and animal behavior research - Commentary
Hobbs, S.H., Goldberg S.J. - 1987
Corticotropin-releasing factor and growth hormone-releasing factor on sleep and activity in rats
Ehlers, C.L., Reed T.K., Henriksen S.J. - 1986
Circadian and caloric control of feeding in rats
Strubbe, J.H., Keyser J., Dijkstra T., Prins A.B.J.A. - 1986
Light-dark 12:12 cycle on feeding and drinking in rats
Strubbe, J.H., Spiteri N.J., Prins A.B. J. A. - 1986