Emotionality and avoidance in two stocks of rats
Reynierse, J.H. - 1970
Passive avoidance and immobility in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1970
Passive avoidance and immobility in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1970
Footshock/avoidance/escape in male and female rats: gonadal hormonal modulation
Beatty, W.W., Ann Beatty P. - 1970
Septal lesions on active avoidance in rats
Dalby, D.A. - 1970
Avoidance extinction; flooding - Review
Baum, M. - 1970
Electroconvulsive shock on passive avoidance extinction in mice
Robustelli, F., Geller A., Jarvik M.E. - 1969
Passive and active avoidance reaction in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1969
Crouching as fear index in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1969
Punishment timing and passive avoidance extinction on dark-light box of rats
Randall, P.K., Riccio D.C. - 1969
Cortical and hippocampal lesions on active avoidance in rats
Olton, D.S., Isaacson R.L. - 1969
"Blocking" on active avoidance response in rats
Coulter, X., Riccio D.C., H.A. Page - 1969
Shock intensity and pre-training on passive avoidance in rats
Zammit-Montebello, A., Black M., Marquis H.A., Suboski M.D. - 1969
Age, sex and strain on pain threshold in rats
Paré, W.P. - 1969
Active avoidance under cortical spreading depression in rats
Kukleta, M. - 1968
Locomotion/exploration, grooming and freezing in voles
Fentress, J.C. - 1968
Old memory in rats: cue exposure and amnesic electroconvulsive shock
Misanin, J.R., Miller R.R., Lewis D.J. - 1968
Locomotion, exploration, grooming and freezing in voles
Fentress, J.C. - 1968
Crouching by footshock in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Dielman T.E., Blanchard D.C. - 1968
Passive avoidance and fear conditioning in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1968
Footshock intensity on active and passive avoidance in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Blanchard D.C. - 1968
Specific neuropeptide related to dark avoidance in rodents
Ungar, G., Galvan L., Clark R.H. - 1968
Schedule of footshock on operant avoidance responding in rats
D'Amato, M.R., Etkin M., Fazzaro J. - 1968
Active avoidance and response to footshock in reactive and non reactive rat strains
Wilcock, J. - 1968
Cross fasterning on avoidance and freezing strain differences in rats
Oliverio, A., Satta M., Bovet D. - 1968
Conditioned suppression of operant conditioning by aversive stimuli in rats
Braud, W.G. - 1968
Limbic lesions on passive avoidance and crouching reaction in rats
Blanchard, R.J., Fial R.A. - 1968
Septal lesions on activity and active avoidance in rats
Schwartzbaum, J.S., Green R.H., Beatty W.W., Thompson J.B. - 1967
Stimulus associated to escape from footshock in rats
Wahlsten, D., Cole M., Fantino E. - 1967
Safe box and footshock avoidance in rats
Wahlsten, D. , Cole M., Fantino E. - 1967