Spontaneous and conditioned behavior in hypertensive and control rats
Danysz, W., Plaznik A., Pucilowski O., Plewaka M., Obersztyn M., Kostowski W. - 1983
Hippocampal lesions on spontaneous and conditioned behavior - Review
Chozick, B.S. - 1983
Motility suppression by footshock in mice: opioid modulation
Nabeshima, T., Yamada K., Kameyama T. - 1983
Vasopressin on locomotor activity and operant responding in rats
Andrews, J.S., Newton B.A., Sahgal A. - 1983
Hippocampus or thalamic parafascicularis nucleus lesions on active avoidance in Roman high- and low-avoidance rats
Guenaire, C., Delacour J. - 1983
Avoidance training on sexual behavior in male mice
Poggioli, R., Vergoni A.V., Bertolini A. - 1983
Age on conditioned taste aversion, freezing and passive avoidance in rats
Martinez, J.L. Jr., Rigter H. - 1983
Conditioned stimulus and situational cues on avoidance behavior in rats
McAllister, W.R., McAllister D.E., Benton M.M. - 1983
Ventromedial septal lesions on response to footshock, avoidance and analgesia in rats
Kelsey, J.E., Barker M.D. - 1983
Rewarded operant conditioning and shock avoidance in rats
Davis, H., Memmott J. - 1983
Rewarded operant conditioning and shock avoidance inteference in rats
Wood, K.A., Happ A.J., Adams C.K. - 1983
Medial geniculate nucleus lesions on condtioned emotional response to acoustic stimuli in rats
LeDoux, J.E., Sakaguchi A., Reis D.J. - 1983
Conditioned suppression by aversive stimuli in rats: extinction and renewal
Bouton, M.E., King D.A. - 1983
Conditioned emotional response and startle and visual and acoustic pathway lesions in rats
Tischler, M.D., Davis M. - 1983
Brain serotonin depletion on resistance to punishment in rats
Davis, N.M., Gray J.A. - 1983
Shock exposure and operant conditioning suppression in rats
Randich, A., Haggard D. - 1983
Ventral tegmental area substance P on brain dopamine by response to stress in rats
Bannon, M.J., Elliott P.J., Alpert J.E., Goedert M., Iversen S.D., Iversen L.L. - 1983
Intracerebroventricular opioids and doxametazone on response to footshock and serum vasopressin in rats
Knepel, W., Nutto D., Anhut E. - 1983
Contextual and tone fear conditioning in rats
Sigmundi, R.A., Bolles R.C. - 1983
Systemic parachloroamphetamine on active and passive avoidance and fear conditioning in rats
Ogren, S.-O., Johansson C., Johansson G., Archer T. - 1982
Attack and defense behavior in rats of different strains
Takahashi, L.K, Blanchard R.J. - 1982
Roman high- and low-avoidance rats - Review
Driscoll, P., Battig K. - 1982
Unavoidable footshock and activity in rats
Drugan, R.C., Maier S.F. - 1982
Flooding and fear on active avoidance extinction in rats
Miller, S. , Mineka S., Cook M. - 1982
Footshock and naloxone on fighting behavior in rats
Fanselow, M.S., Sigmundi R.A. - 1982
Inescapable footshocks on appetitive Pavlovian and operant conditioning in rats
Rosellini, R.A., DeCola J.P., Shapiro N.R. - 1982
Conditioned stimulus nature and conditioned suppression latent inhibition in rats
Lubow, R.E., Wagner M., Weiner I. - 1982
Context on conditioned suppression latent inhibition in rats
Balaz, M.A., Capra S., Kasparow W.J., Miller R.R. - 1982
Footshock renewal on aversive response extinction in rats
Anderson, D.C., Crowell C.R., Brown J.S. - 1982
Post-shock freezing behavior in rats
Fanselow, M.S. - 1982