Endocannabinoids modulation in fear potentiated startle and conditioned place preference of mice
Powers, M.S., Barrenha G.D., Mlinac N.S., Barker E.L., Chester J.A. - 2010
Hippocampal lesions effects on fear potentiated startle in rats
Lehmann, H., Sparks F.T., O'Brien J., McDonald R.J., Sutherland R.J. - 2010
Locus coeruleus lesions on aversive startle reaction in rats
Tsuruoka, M., Tamaki J., Maeda M., Hayashi B., Inoue T. - 2010
Dopaminergic neuron lesioning or intracerebroventricular dopamine agonist and antagonist on paired pulse inhibition in mice
Onogi, H., Nakagawasai O., Tan-No K., Mitazaki S., Sato A., Nakaya K., Niijima F., Arai Y., Kikuchi T., Tadano T. - 2010
5-HT2A/C receptor expression and aggressive behavior in rats
Popova, N.K., Naumenko V.S., Kozhemyakina R.V., Plyusnina I.Z. - 2010
Environmental enrichment and chronic restraint stress on prepulse inhibition and spatial learning in mice
Chen, Y., Mao Y., Zhou D., Hu X., Wang J., Ma Y. - 2010
Isolation and social rearing on prepulse inhibition in rats
Du, Y., Wu X., Li L. - 2010
Spontaneous and conditioned behavior of HPC-1/syntaxin 1A gene knockout mice: serotonergic system involvement
Fujiwara, T., Snada M., Kofuji T., Yoshikawa T., Akagawa K. - 2010
Context exposure and unconditioned stimulus predictability in fear post-startle of humans
Fonteyne, R., Vervliet B., Hermans D., Baeyens F., Vansteenwegen D. - 2010
Prefrontal protein phosphatase 2A, glycogen synthase kinase 3 and M-potassium channel activity on prepulse inhibition of startle reflex in mice
Kapfhamer, D., Berger K.H., Hopf F.W., Seif T., Kharazia V., Bonci A., Heberlein U. - 2010
Modanfinil and amphetamine on startle reflex and prepulse inhibition in young and aged rats
McFadden, S.L., Zulas A.L., Morgan R.E. - 2010
Age on prepulse inhibition in mice
Young, J.W., Wallace C.K., Geyer M.A., Risbrough V.B. - 2010
D3 agonists on prepulse inhibition in male and female rats
Chang, W., Swerdlow N.R., Breier M.R., Thangaraj N., Weber M. - 2010
Neurotensin on body temperature, nociception, antipsychotic-like effects, prepulse inhibition ans dopamine and serotonin microdialysis by periaqueductal gray in rats
Boules, M., Liang Y., Briody S., Miura T., Fauq I., Oliveros A., Wilson M., Khaniyeu S., Williams K., Li Z., Qi Y., Katovich M., Richelson E. - 2010
H3 receptor role in prepulse inhibition in mice: dopamine and NMDA systems modulation
Burban, A., Sadakhom C., Dumoulin D., Rose C., Le Pen G., Frances H., Arrang J.-M. - 2010
Dopaminergic system in startle reflex prepulse inhibition of mice
Flood, D.G., Zuvich E., Marino M.J., Gasior M. - 2010
Dopamine, serotonin and histamine modulation of prepulse inhibition of startle reflex in rats
Larrauri, J.A., Levin E.D. - 2010
Rolipram on fear potentiated startle acquisition and extinction in mice
Mueller, E.M., Hofmann S.G., Cherry J.A. - 2010
Metyrapone on fear-potentiated startle in rats
Burman, M.A., Hamilton K.L., Gewirtz J.C. - 2010
Electroconvulsive shocks on startle reflex after stress in rats
Manion, S.T., Figueiredo T.A., Aroniadou-Anderjaska V., de Melo Braga M.F. - 2010
Emotional state and startle responding in humans
Sloan, D.M., Sandt A.R. - 2010
H3 antagonists on learning, dopamine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine release in the cingulate cortex and forebrain c-fos expression in rats
Southam, E., Cillis J., Gartlon J.E., Wooley M.L., Lacroix L.P., Jennings C.A., Cluderay J.E., Reavill C., Rourke C., Wilson D.M., Dawson L.A., Medhurst A.D., Jones D.N.C. - 2009
Cholinergic antagonists and α2 adrenergic agonists on nicotine-withdrawal potentiated startle in rats
Engelmann, J.M., Radke A.K., Gewirtz J.C. - 2009
Oral propranolol on conditioned fear reconsolidation in humans
Kindt, M., Soeter M., Vervliet B. - 2009
Mirtazapine on emotional processing in humans
Arnone, D., Horder J., Cowen P.J., Harmer C.J. - 2009
Pubertal cannabinoids effect on c-fos expression, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in rats: dopaminergic modulation
Wegener, N., Koch M. - 2009
Intra-amygdaloid ginko biloba extract effect on fear-potentiated startle in rats
Yang, Y.-L., Hsich C.-W., Wo Y.-Y.P, Yang Y.-C., Lu K.-T. - 2009
Intra-medial raphe nucleus or dorsal hippocampus 5-HT1A agonist on conditioned fear and fear-potentiated startle and cortico/amygdalar c-fos expression in rats
Almada, R.C., Borelli K.G., Albrecher-Souza L., Brandao M.L. - 2009
Intra-amygdala neuropeptide Y on fear-potentiated startle of mice
Fendt, M., Burki H., Imobersteg S., Lingenholh K., McAllister K.R., Orain D., Uzunov D.P., Chaperon F. - 2009
Intra-amygdala GABAergic micrografts on locomotion/exploration, fear conditioning and fear-potentiated startle in rats
Cunningham, G., Connor C.M., Carlezon W.A. Jr., Meloni E. - 2009