Norepinephrine in the amygdala or systemic epinephrine after escapable footshocks in rats: role of the solitary tractus nucleus
Williams, C.L., Men D., Clayton E.C., Gold P.E. - 1998
Human amygdala and conditioned fear
LaBar, K.S., Gatenby J.C., Gore J.C., LeDoux J.E., Phelps E.A. - 1998
Fear conditioning in rats: amygdala lesions on auditory cortex spikes
Armony, J.L., Quirk G.J., LeDoux J.E. - 1998
Conditioned stimulus presentation of fear conditioning during paradoxical sleep: amygdala and medial geniculate nucleus activity in rats
Hennevin, E., Maho C., Hars B. - 1998
Central amygdala lesions on fear conditioning in mice: hippocampal and septal inputs
Desmedt, A., Garcia R., Jaffard R. - 1998
Amygdala lesions on contextual fear conditioning in rats
Maren, S. - 1998
Pre- and post-training basolateral amygdala lesions on fear conditioning in rats
Cousens, G., Otto T. - 1998
Escapable and inescapable shocks on serotonin release in basolateral amygdala in rats
Amat, J., Matus-Amat P., Watkins L.R., Maier S.F. - 1998
Amygdala kindling-resistant or -prone rat strains on fear responses
Mohapel, P., McIntyre D.C. - 1998
Basolateral amygdala lesions on avoidance and conditioned freezing in rats
Vazdarjanova, A., McGaugh J.L. - 1998
Fos production and fear conditioning in mice
Radulovic, J., Kammermeier J., Spiess J. - 1998
5-HT1A binding on aggressive and defensive strategy: strain differences in rats
Popova, N.K., Avgustinovich D.F., Kolpakov V.G., Plyusnina I.Z. - 1998
CRE-mediated gene expression in hippocampus and amygdala during contextual and auditory fear conditioning and passive avoidance in mice
Impey, S., Smith D.M., Obrietan K., Donahue R., Wade C., Storm D.R. - 1998
Fos protein after contextual fear conditioning in C57BL/6N mice
Milanovic, S., Radulovic J., Laban O., Stiedl O., Henn F., Spiess J. - 1998
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor on locomotor activity and contextual fear conditioning in rats
Maren, S. - 1998
Neural substrates of fear conditioning - Review
Gewirtz, J.C., Davis M. - 1998
Contextual conditioning on shock sensitization of startle in rats
Richardson, R., Elsayed H. - 1998
Contextual fear conditioning and acoustic startle response in rats
Frankland, P.W., Dockstader C.L., McDonald R.J. - 1998
Responding conditioning and auditory cortex plasticity - Review
Weinberger, N.M., Bakin J.S. - 1998
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and fear in rats
Treit, D., Aujla H., Menard J. - 1998
Dorsal hippocampus on context discrimination and fear conditioning in mice
Frankland, P.W., Cestari V., Filipkowski R.K., McDonald R.J., Silva A.J. - 1998
Hippocampal lesions on contextual fear conditioning in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice
Gerlai, R. - 1998
Hippocampal lesions on auditory and contextual fear condtioning in rats
McEchron, M.D., Bouwmeester H., Tseng W., Weiss C., Disterhoft J.F. - 1998
Right parietal cortex lesions on conditioned freezing in rats: NMDA antagonists
Hogg, S., Sanger D.J., Moser P.C. - 1998
Anterior peririhinal cortex lesions on fear conditioning in rats
Herzog, C., Otto T. - 1998
Spatial learning and fear conditioning in old rats
Oler, J.A., Markus E.J. - 1998
Pavlovian conditioning and negative feedback - Review
Fanselow, M.S. - 1998
Medial prefrontal cortex on nucleus accumbens dopamine release and conditioned fear in rats
Wilkinson, L.S., Humby T., Killcross A.S., Torres E.M., Everitt B.J., Robbins T.W. - 1998
Generalization of contextual fear conditioning in different strains of mice: pre-exposure, extinction
Radulovic, J., Kammermeier J., Spiess J. - 1998
Sensory-enhanced context on learning and unconditioned behaviors in rats
Brasser, S.M., Spear N.E. - 1998