Locomotion/exploration, frontal, hippocampal and hypothalamic oxidative response in female rats after male odor exposure
Behr, G.A., da Motta L.L., de Oliveira M.R., Soares Oliveira M.W., Muller Hoff M.L., Silvestrin R.B., Fonseca Moreira J.C. - 2009
LYNX2 gene on anxiety-related behaviors in mice
Tekinay, A.B., Nong Y., Miwa J.M., Lieberam I., Ibanez-Tallon I., Greengard P., Heintz N. - 2009
Spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in interleukin-1 knockout mice
Koo, J.W., Duman R.S. - 2009
mGluR5 and R1 antagonists on locomotion/exploration in developing rats
Mikulecka, A., Mares P. - 2009
Hippocampal NCS-1 gene expression on hippocampal excitability, exploration, object recognition and spatial learning in mice
Saab, B.J., Georgiou J., Nath A., Lee F.J.S., Wang M., Michalon A., Liu F., Mansuy I.M., Roder J.C. - 2009
Extra-hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor role on locomotion, exploration and response to stress in mice
Vicentini, E., Arban R., Angelici O., Maraia G., Perico M.E., Mugnaini M., Ugolini A., Large C., Domenici E., Gerrard P., Bortner D., Mansuy I.M., Mangiarini L., Merlo-Pich E. - 2009
Environmental enrichment on spatial cognition in male and female rats
Harris, A.P., D'Eath R.B., Healy S.D. - 2009
Exploration, fear conditioning and fear potentiated startle in GIT1-knockout mice
Schmalzigaug, R., Rodriguiz R.M., Bonner P.E., Davidson C.E., Wetsel W.C., Premont R.T. - 2009
Hippocampal and prefrontal monoamines levels, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in protocadherin-αA knockdown mice
Fukuda, E., Hamada S., Hasegawa S., Katori S., Sanbo M., Miyakawa T., Yamamoto T., Yamamoto H., Hirabayashi T., Yagi T. - 2008
Noradrenergic locus coeruleus and septal cholinergic neurons on exploration and novelty-induced behavior in C57BL/6J mice
Tereshchenko, Y., Brandewiede J., Schachner M., Irintchev A., Morellini F. - 2008
CREB regulation on amygdala kindling, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors of mice
Kojima, N., Borlikova G., Sakamoto T., Yamada K., Ikeda T., Itohara S., Niki H., Endo S. - 2008
Locomotion/exploration in combination of open field, light-dark box and elevated plus maze in rats of different sex and strain - Technique
Ramos, A., Pereira E., Martins G.C., Wehrmeister T.D., Izidio G.S. - 2008
Anantamide on fatty acid amyde hydrolase activity, locomotion, exploration and conditioned place preference in rats
Scherma, M., Medalie J., Fratta W., Vadivel S.K., Makriyannis A., Pomelli D., Mikics E., Haller J., Yasar S., Tanda G., Goldberg S.R. - 2008
Spontaneous, conditioned behavior and hippocampal plasticity in shank1 lacking mice
Hung, A.Y., Futai K., Sala C., Valtschanoff J.G., Ryu J., Woodworth M.A., Kidd F.L., Sung C.C., Miyakawa T., Bear M.F., Weinberg R.J., Sheng M. - 2008
Passive avoidance, exploration and hippocampal CREB, protein kinases and plasticity in ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 knockout mice
Sakurai, M., Sekiguchi M., Zushida K., Yamada K., Nagamine S., Kabuta T., Wada K. - 2008
Serotonin and glycogen synthase kinase 3β in striatum, hippocampus and frontal cortex on locomotion, exploration and response to stress in mice
Beaulieu, J.-M., Zhang X., Rodriguiz R.M., Sotnikova T.D., Cools M.J., Wetsel W.C., Gainetdinov R.R., Caron M.G. - 2008
Striatal/accumbal tyrosine/triptophan hydroxylase, exploration, immobility and response to stress in senescence accelerated P6 mice
Niimi, K., Takahashi E., Itakura C. - 2008
Soman intoxication on exploration, dark-light box preferenjce and fear conditioning in mice
Coubard, S., Beracochea D., Collombert J.-M., Philippin J.N., Krazem A., Liscia P., Lallement G., Pierard C. - 2008
Amitryptiline on dark-light box exploration, passive avoidance conditioning and related brain cytochrome oxidase in mice
Gonzalez-Pardo, H., Conejo N.M., Arias J.L., Monleon S., Vinader-Caerols C., and Parra A. - 2008
Intracerebroventricular and intra-paraventricular nucleus oxytocin on exploration and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in rats
Blume, A., Bosch O.J., Miklos S., Torner L., Wales L., Waldherr M., Neumann I.D. - 2008
p75 neurotrophin on hippocampal neurogenesis, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in mice
Catts, V.S., Al-Menhall N., Burne T.H.J., Colditz M.J., Coulson E.J. - 2008
Age-related decline in spontaneous and conditioned behaviors of BALB/C mice
Matzel, L.D., Grossman H., Light K., Townsend D., Kolata S. - 2008
Mecp2 protein in hypothalamic neurons on spontaneous behaviors of mice
Fyffe, S.L., Neul J.L., Samaco R.C., Chao H.-T., Ben-Shachar S., Moretti P., McGill B.E., Goulding E.H., Sullivan E., Tecott L.H., Zoghbi H.Y. - 2008
RIM1α-protein kinase A on hippocampal long-term potentiation, spontaneous and conditioned behaviors in mice
Kaeser, P.S., Kwon H.-B., Blundell J., Chevaleyre V., Morishita W., Malenka R.C., Powell C.M., Castillo P.E., Sudhof T.C. - 2008
Transfer of old reactivated memory retrieval cues in rats
Briggs, J.F., Riccio D.C. - 2008
Conditioned behavior of cerebellar Rora and Grid2 mutant mice
Lalonde, R., Strazielle C. - 2008
Stress-induced hyperthermia as model for anxiety in mice - Review
Bouwknecht, J.A., Olivier B., Paylor R.E. - 2007
Prenatal and neonatal bisphenol-A exposure on locomotion, exploration, passive avoidance and hippocampal acetylcholine in mice
Miyagawa, K., Narita M., Narita M., Akama H., Suzuki T. - 2007
Spontaneous behavior and response to stress in beta3 nicotinic receptor knock-out mice
Booker, T.K., Butt C.M., Wehner J.M., Heinemann S.T., Collins A.C. - 2007
JWB1-84-1 on spontaneous and conditioned behavior in amyloid Abeta mice and in monkeys
Sood, A., Beach J.W., Webster S.J., Terry A.V. Jr., Buccafusco J.J. - 2007