Hippocampal lesions on contextual fear conditioning in rats
Rudy, J.W., Barrientos R.M., O'Reilly R.C. - 2002
Ventral hippocampus lesions on fear expression and spatial memory in rats
Kjelstrup, K.G., Tuvnes F.A., Steffenach H.-A., Murison R., Moser E.I., Moser M.-B. - 2002
Overexpressed human amyloid precursor protein mice in T-maze and fear conditioning tasks
Corcoran, K.A., Lu Y., Turner R.S., Maren S. - 2002
Dendritic translation of calcium-calmodulin kinase II α on synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation in mice
Miller, S., Yasuda M., Coats J.K., Jones Y., Martone M.E., Mayford M. - 2002
Hippocampal neurogenesis and learning in rats
Shors, T.J., Townsend D.A., Zhao M., Kozorovitskiy Y., Gould E. - 2002
Inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase into hippocampus on water maze and contextual fear conditioning long-term memory in rats
Dash, P.K., Mach S.A., Blum S., Moore A.N. - 2002
Prefrontal cortex long-term potentiation on extinction of fear conditioning in mice
Herry, C., Garcia R. - 2002
Medial prefrontal cortex activity and fear conditioning extinction in rats
Milad, M., Quirk G.J. - 2002
Zif268 expression in nucleus accumbens and frontal cortex during fear conditioning retrieval in rats
Thomas, K.L., Hall J., Everitt B.J. - 2002
Corticotropin-releasing factor and stress on long-term potentiation, calcium calmodulin kinase II and fear conditioning in mice
Blank, T., Nijholt I., Eckart K., Spiess J. - 2002
Contextual and cued fear conditioning retention in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice
Balogh, S.A., Radcliffe R.A., Logue S.F., Wehner J.M. - 2002
Latent inhibition and extinction in fear conditioning of rats: sex differences
Maes, J.H.R. - 2002
Amphetamine on fear conditioning and dopamine release from nucleus accumbens in rats
Pezze, M.A., Feldon J., Murphy C.A. - 2002
Nucleus accumbens dopamine and fear conditioning in rats
Levita, L., Dalley J.W., Robbins T.W. - 2002
Circadian modulation of fear conditioning in mice
Chaudhury, D., Colwell C.S. - 2002
Reduced hippocampal commissure on long-term potentiation and fear conditioning extinction in mice
Schimanski, L.A., Wahlsten D., Nguyen P.V. - 2002
L-type voltage-gated calcium channels on extinction of fear conditioning in mice
Cain, C.K., Blouin A.M., Barad M. - 2002
Hippocampal long-term potentiation and contextual fear conditioning in rats
Sacchetti, B., Ambrogi Lorenzini C., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Roberto M., Tassoni G., Brunelli M. - 2002
Contextual fear conditioning on long-term potentiation and glutamate uptake in rats
Levenson, J.M, Weeber E., Selcher J.C., Kategaya L.S., Sweatt J.D., Eskín A. - 2002
Fear conditioning and lateral amygdala plasticity in rats
Zinebi, F., McKernan M., Shinnick-Gallagher P. - 2002
Long-term potentiation and conditioned fear in Fmr2 mice
Gu, Y., McIlwain K.L., Weeber E.J., Yamagata T., Xu B., Antalffy B.A., Reyes C., Yuva-Paylor L., Armstrong D., Zoghbi H., Sweatt J.D., Paylor R., Nelson D.L. - 2002
CdK5 gene expression in septum and hippocampus on stress and fear conditioning in mice
Fischer, A., Sananbenesi F., Schrick C., Spiess J., Radulovic J. - 2002
Fear conditioning on Fos expression in serotonergic and GABAergic neurons of locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe nuclei in rats
Ishida, Y., Hashiguchi H., Takeda R., Ishizuka Y., Mitsuyama Y., Kannan H., Nishimori T., Nakahara D. - 2002
Stress and hippocampal NMDA receptor blockade on recognition memory in rats
Baker, K.B., Kim J.J. - 2002
Glutamate receptor antagonist and nootropics on contextual fear conditioning in rats
Riedel, G., Sandager-Nielsen K., Macphail E.M. - 2002
Protein kinase A and protein kinase C in contextual fear conditioning consolidation in rats
Wallenstein, G.V., Vago D.R., Walberer A.M. - 2002
GABA/benzodiazepine inverse agonist into hippocampus on fear conditioning in rats
Bailey, D.J., Tetzlaff J.E., Cook J.M., He X., Helmstetter F.J. - 2002
MK-801 systemic on fear conditioning acquisition in rats
Gould, T.J., McCarthy M.M., Keith R.A. - 2002
Fear conditioning engram location - Commentary
Paré, D. - 2002