Exploration, response to stress, spatial learning, active and passive avoidance in Brattleboro and control rats
Brito, G.N.O. - 1983
Vasopressin in locomotion/exploration in Brattleboro and control rats
Williams, A.R., Carey R.J., Miller M. - 1983
Strain differences and early life under-nutrition on behavior in rats
Tonkiss, J., Smart J.L. - 1983
Septal damage on water intake, muricide, handling and open field behavior in rats
Thorne, B.M., Lin K.-N., Weaver M.L. - 1983
Hepatic encephalopathy on locomotion, exploration and brain 5-HT metabolism in rats
Martin, J.R., Dedek J., Driscoll P. - 1983
Open field behavior in rodents - Commentary
Tachibana, T. - 1982
Intra-cerebroventricular or intra-pineal vasotocin on exploratory activity and pineal melatonin in rats: circadian effects
King, M.G., Stinus L., le Moal M., Geffard M. - 1982
β-alanine and αL-alanina in hypertensive rats
Liljequist, R., Paasonen M.K., Solatunturi E. - 1982
Radial maze task in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1982
Attack and defense behavior in rats of different strains
Takahashi, L.K, Blanchard R.J. - 1982
Vasopressin on exploratory activity in rats
Hoglund, A.U., Meyerson B.J. - 1982
Pre-training vasopressin on passive avoidance in the rat - Review
Rigter, H. - 1982
α-Melanocyte stimulating hormone plasma and cerebrospinal fluid levels during dark-light box avoidance and exploration in rats
De Rotte, A.A., Van Egmont M.A.H., Van Wimersma Greidanus Tj.B. - 1982
Exploratory activity in light-dark box of mice: anxiolytic test
Crawley, J.N., Davis L.G. - 1982
Spontaneous and conditioned behaviors of Brattleboro and control rats
Brito, G.N.O., Thomas G.J., Gash D.M., Kitchen J.H. - 1982
Roman high- and low-avoidance rats - Review
Driscoll, P., Battig K. - 1982
Median raphe lesions on locomotion and exploration in rats
Wirtshafter, D., Asin K.E. - 1982
Habituation of exploratory activity in mice: a test for memory enhancing drugs
Platel, A., Porsolt R.D. - 1982
Zinc deficient diet on body weight and exploratory, grooming and freezing behavior in young and aged rats
Gordon, E.F., Bond J.T., Gordon R.C., Denny M.R. - 1982
Olfactory, visual discrimination, exploration and aversive response in T-maze of vasopressin-deficient rats
Brito, G.N.O., Thornas G.J., Gingold S.I., Gash D.M. - 1981
Brattleboro and Long-Evans rats: open field, avoidance and endocrine function
Bailey, W.H., Weiss J.M. - 1981
Locomotor activity, defecation and corticosterone levels in rat exposed to an open field: strain differences, individually and grouped housing
Gentsch, C., Lichtsteiner M., Feer H. - 1981
Tonic immobility and open field activity in chickens
Suarez, S.D., Gallup G.G.Jr. - 1981
Open field behavior in rats emotionality and predation
Suarez, S.D., Gallup G.G. Jr. - 1981
Light-dark apparatus: exploratory activity in mice
Crawley, J., Goodwin F.K. - 1980
Dark-light emergence test in rats of different age
Bruneau, N., Simon H., Le Moal M. - 1980
Septal lesions on exploratory behavior in rats
Kohler, C., Srebro B. - 1980
Midbrain raphe nuclei lesions, active avoidance activity and 5-HT levels in rats
Plaznik, A., Kostowski W., Bidzinski A., Hauptmann M. - 1980
6-Hydroxydopamine into the anterolateral hypothalamus on locomotion and exploration in rats
Fink, J.S., Smith G.P. - 1980
Striatal lesions on locomotion, exploration and alternation in rats
Pisa, M., Sanberg P.R., Fibiger H.C. - 1980