Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on visual attention task in Wistar and hooded rats
Broersen, L.M., Uylings H.B.M. - 1999
Medial prefrontal and neostriatal lesions on operant delayed alternation in rats
Dunnett, S.B., Nathwani F., Brasted P.J. - 1999
Spatial and non-spatial information in dorsal hippocampus in rats
Hampson, R.E., Simeral J.D., Deadwyler S.A. - 1999
Opioids state-dependent learning in rats
Bruins Slot, L.A., Colpaert F.C. - 1999
MK-801 into nucleus accumbens or dorsomedial striatum on operative responding in rats
Cory-Slechta, D.A., O'Mara D.J., Brockel B.J. - 1999
Intra-hippocampal injection of cysteamine on bar-pressing in mice
Guillon, J.-L., Micheau J., Jaffard R. - 1999
Early polysynaptic potentiation in the dentate gyrus during operant conditioning in rats
Chaillan, F.A., Truchet B., Roman F.S., Soumireu-Mourat B. - 1999
Intracerebroventricular injection of protein kinase C inhibitor on operant conditioning in mice
Stemmelin, J., Mathis C., Ungerer A. - 1999
Genetic influences and latent inhibition in mice
Gould, T.J., Wehner J.M. - 1999
Intra-hippocampal cysteamine on bar-pressing task in mice
Guillou, J.-L., Micheau J., Jaffard R. - 1999
Dorsal raphe serotonin and cholinergic receptors on operant conditioning - Review
Ruotsalainen, S., Miettinen R., Macdonald E., Riekkinen M., Sirvio J. - 1998
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on operant conditioning -related potentials in amygdala, nucleus accumbens, dorsal hippocampus and frontal cortex of the rat
Ehlers, C.L., Somes C., Lopez A.L., Robledo P. - 1998
Fornix, amygdala and dorsal striatum lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Salinas, J.A., White N.M. - 1998
Orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala firing during aversive taste learning in rats
Schoenbaum, G., Chiba A.A., Gallagher M. - 1998
Perforant path lesions in rodents memory and attention
Kirkby, D.L., Higgings G.A. - 1998
Fornix lesions on operant and spatial tasks in rats
Bussey, T.J., Warburton E.C., Aggleton J.P., Muir J.L. - 1998
Prefrontal cortex and caudate lesions on operant conditioning of rats
Winocur, G., Eskes G. - 1998
Thalamic and olfactory cortical lesions on olfactory discrimination and conditioning in rats
Zhang, Y., Burk J.A., Glode B.M., Mair R.G. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Wiig, K.A., Burwell R.D. - 1998
Hippocampus and fornix lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Murphy, R.A., McDonald R.J., Baker A.G. - 1998
Prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in timing behavior of the rat
Dietrich, A., Allen J.D. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex on configural and paired-associated learning in monkeys
Buckley, M.J., Gaffan D. - 1998
Allocentric and idothetic representations of space: rodent navigation
Bures, J., Fenton A.A., Kaminsky Y., Wesierska M., Zahalka A. - 1998
Early polysynaptic potentiation in the dentate gyrus during operant conditioning in rats
Chaillan, F.A., Roman F.S., Soumireu-Mourat B. - 1998
Cerebellar contribution to acquisition of learned reflex movements
Bloedel, J.R., Bracha V., Milak M., Shimansky Y. - 1997
Fear conditioned behavior and different amygdala nuclei lesions in the rat
Killcross, S., Robbins T.W., Everitt B. - 1997
D3 dopaminergic receptor agonist into the amygdala on operant learning in rats
Hitchcott, P.K., Bonardi C.M.T., Phillips G.D. - 1997
Learning and temporal dynamics of behavior in operant conditioning - Review
Machado, A. - 1997
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Miner, L.A.H., Ostrander M., Sarter M. - 1997
Hippocampal lesions on operant consitioning and spatial learning in rats
Gisquet-Verrier, P., El Massioui N. - 1997