Basolateral neurons:projection to prefrontal areas and mediodorsal thalamus in rats
Sarter, M., Markowitsch H.J. - 1984
Lateral and basolateral amygdala lesions on neophobia and taste aversion in rats
Kolakowska, L., Larue-Achagiotis C., Le Magnen J. - 1984
Hippocampal, amygdaloid and medial temporal lesions on monkey learning
Zola-Morgan, S., Squire L.R. - 1984
Cortical gustatory area and amygdala: electrophysiological and behavioral data on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Yamamoto, T., Azuma S., Kawamura Y. - 1984
Basolateral amygdala projections to prefrontal cortex and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in rats
Sarter, M., Markowitsch H.J. - 1984
Visual experience and unilateral cortical lesions on spatial learning and exploration in rats
Tees, R.C. - 1984
Accumbal lesions on locomotion, exploration and avoidance in rats
Fantin, G., Bottecchia D. - 1984
Pallidal, thalamic, nigral and midbrain central gray lesions on exploratory, orienting behavior in 21-day-old rats
Thompson, R., Yu J. - 1984
Superior colliculus lesion and open field activity in rats
Harrison, C.A., Byrne S.L., Hagan M.L., Redgrave P., Dean P. - 1984
Median raphe, pontine reticular and lateral ponto-msencephalic lesions on active avoidance and spatial learning in rats
Thompson, R., Ramsay A., Yu J. - 1984
Hippocampal lesions or stimulation on active avoidance in cats
Gralewicz, K., Gralewicz S. - 1984
Prefrontal, thalamic and subicular lesions on active avoidance and spatial learning in cats
Irle, E., Markowitsch H.J. - 1984
Hippocampal lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Ross, R.T., Orr W.B., Holland P.C., Berger T.W. - 1984
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Winocur, G., Gilbert M. - 1984
Suprachiamsatic nuclei and feeding behavior in rats
Stephan, F.K. - 1984
Septal and cortical lesions on spatial learning in rats
Thomas, G.J., Spafford P.S. - 1984
Postero-dorsal septal lesions on working memory in T-maze of rats
Stanton, M.E., Thomas G.J., Brito G.N.O. - 1984
Cortical lesions on spatial orientation in rats
Thompson, R., Gallardo K., Yu J. - 1984
Subfornical organ lesions on drinking and vasopressin release in rats
Mangiapane, M.L., Thrasher T.N., Keil L.C., Simpson J.B., Ganong W.G. - 1984
Conditioned stimulus discrimination on appetitive operant conditioning in old and young rats
Winocur, G. - 1984
Thalamic lesions on spatial orientation in rats
Thompson, R., Gallardo K., Yu J. - 1984
Hippocampal lesions on classical contingencies in rats
Schmajuk, N.A., Isaacson R.L. - 1984
Fimbria-fornix on spatial working memory in rats
Walker, J.A., Olton D.S. - 1984
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on conditioned feeding and drinking in rats
Tang, C., Wallace M., Singer G., Mackenzie L. - 1984
Vasopressin on septo-hippocampal excitability in rats
Sadile, A.G., Cerbone A., Lamberti C., Buijs R.M. - 1984
Vasopressin on septo-hippocampal neuron excitability in rats
Cerbone, A., Sadile A.G. - 1984
Suprachiasmatic nucleus and preoptic medial area on circadian rhythms and sexual behavior in hamsters
Eskes, G.A. - 1984
Septal, medial accumbal and medial hypothalamic lesions in rats: handling and hyperdefensiveness
Albert, D.J., Walsh M.L., Longley W. - 1984
Asymmetrical effects of cortical island lesions in rats
Kubos, K.L., Robinson R.G. - 1984
Electrolytic and ibotenate lesions of lateral hypothalamus
Winn, P., Tarbuck A., Dunnett S.B. - 1984