Interactions between olfactory and visual learning in Drosophila
Guo, J., Guo A. - 2005
NMDA antagonist into dorsomedial striatum on operant conditioning of rats
Yin, H.H., Knowlton B.J., Balleine B.W. - 2005
Circadian modulation of operant conditioning in Aplysia
Lyons, L.C., Rawashdeh O., Katzoff A., Susswein A.J., Eskin A. - 2005
NMDA antagonist in avian "prefrontal cortex" on operant conditioning in pigeons
Lissek, S., Gunturkun O. - 2005
Subthalamic nucleus activity in operant conditioning of monkeys
Darbaky, Y., Baunez C., Arecchi P., Legallet E., Apicella P. - 2005
GABA and AMPA pedunculo-pontine recptor role in operant conditioning and nucleus accumbens dopaminergic function in rats
Steiniger-Brach, B., Kretschmer B.D. - 2005
Nucleus accumbens dopamine release and operant conditioning in rats
Nicola, S.M., Taha S.A., Kim S.W., Fields H.L. - 2005
Cortical c-fos and neuronal activity after instrumental learning of rats
Svarnik, O.E., Alexandrov YU. I., Gavrilov V.V., Grinchenko Yu. V., Anokhin K.V. - 2005
Intracerebroventricular muscimol on operant conditioning of rats
Ramirez, D.R., Buzzetti R.A., Savage L.M. - 2005
Reward in Pavlovian and instrumental learning
Capaldi, E.J., Haas A., Miller R.M., Martins A. - 2005
Inferior temporal cortex firing during operant conditioning in monkeys
Takeda, M., Naya Y., Fujimichi R., Takeuchi D., Miyashita Y. - 2005
Liquid-delivery device for reward control - Technique
Mitz, A. - 2005
Unpaired stimuli on habituation and extinction in rat's operant conditioning
Thomas, B.L., Longo C.L., Ayres J.J.B. - 2005
Pre- and post-training intra-nucleus accumbens AMPA, NMDA and D1 antagonists on operant conditioning of rats
Hernandez, P.J., Andrzejewski M.E., Sadeghian K., Panksepp J.B., Kelley A.E. - 2005
Fos activation after learning and reactivation of olfactory discrimination task in rats
Roullet, F., Lienard F., Datiche F., Cattarelli M. - 2005
Nitric oxide synthase inhibitor on operant conditioning in turtles
Yeh, C.-I., Powers A.S. - 2005
Testosterone self-administration in female rats
Jorge, J.C., Velazquez K.T., Ramos-Ortolaza D.L., Lorenzini I., Marrero J., Maldonado-Vlaar C.S. - 2005
Hippocampal firing during operant conditioning in rats
Sinnamon, H.M. - 2005
Striatal dopamine release and operant conditioning in rats
Nakazato, T. - 2005
Ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala inactivation on cocaine conditioned self-administration in rats
Di Ciano, P., Everitt B.J. - 2004
Cholinergic denervation of cingulate cortex on operant conditioning in rats
Winters, B.D., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2004
Rodent prefrontal cortex and cognitive function - Review
Dalley, J.W., Cardinal R.N., Robbins T.W. - 2004
Serotonin receptors in the rat brain during operant conditioning consolidation
Meneses, A., Manuel-Apolinar L., Rocha L., Castillo E., Castillo C. - 2004
Amygdalar and striatal NMDA receptors on operant conditioning and spontaneous behavior in rats
Andrzejewski, M.E., Sadeghian K., Kelley A.E. - 2004
Amygdala central nucleus on food-rewarded operant conditioning of rats
McDannald, M., Kerfoot E., Gallagher M., Holland P.C. - 2004
Dopamine embrionic cell transplant in unilateral lesioned rats in the medial forebrain bundle: operant conditioning and locomotion
Dowd, E., Dunnett S.B. - 2004
Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on perant conditioning, exploratory activity and prepulse inhibition in rats
Salazar, R.F., White W., Lacroix L., Feldon J., White I.M. - 2004
Dorsal and ventral striatum in human instrumental conditioning
O'Doherty, J., Dayan P., Schultz J., Deichmann R., Friston K., Dolan R.J. - 2004
Dorsolateral striatal lesions on instrumental conditioning in rats
Yin, H.H., Knowlton B.J., Balleine B.W. - 2004
Dorsal striatal lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Featherstone, R.E., McDonald R.J. - 2004