Temporo-entorhinal connections on exploration, novelty and proactive memory in rats
Myhrer, T. - 1988
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on active avoidance and exploration in rats
Spangenberg, U., Klingberg F. - 1988
Open field and maze behavior after lesions of mesencephalic reticular formation in rats
Knupfer, M., Witter S., Klingberg F. - 1988
Substantia nigra lesions and directional motor activities in rats
Isaacson, R.L., Danks A.M., Oestreicher A.B., Brakkee J.H., Gispen W.H. - 1988
Olfactory bulbectomy, passive avoidance, sex differentces, handling, mouse killing and open field activity
Thorne, B.M., Rowles J.S. - 1988
Paraventricular and suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions on vasopressin levels in rats
Jolkkonen, J., Tuomisto L., van Wimersma Greidanus Tj.B., Riekkinen P.J. - 1988
Septal lesion in rats: pre-operative environmental enrichment and recovery
Dalrymple-Alford, J., Kelche C., Eclancher F., Will B. - 1988
Hippocampal lesions in rats: spatial learning and memory processes
Barnes, C.A. - 1988
Selective ibotenate lesions of the hippocampal formation in rats: spatial memory
Bouffard, J.P., Jarrad L.E. - 1988
Frontal cortex, nucleus caudate and hippocampus lesions on avoidance in rats of different age
Brennan, J.F., Cohen C.A., Bertucci P.A. - 1988
Demyelination by ibotenic acid in central nervous system - Methods
Coffey, P.J., Perry V.H., Allen Y., Sinden J., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1988
Hippocampal ablations on dispositional and representational memory in the rat
Thomas, G.J., Gash D.M. - 1988
Excitotoxically-lesioned striatum and thalamic afferents in rats
Nothias, F., Wictorin K., Isacson O., Bjorklund A., Peschanski M. - 1988
Ventromedial hypothalamus and cerebellum lesions on freezing, attack and defense behaviors in the rat
Supple, W.F., Cranney J., Leaton R.N. - 1988
Parietal cortex and hippocampus lesions on spatial cognitive mapping in the rat
DiMattia, B.D., Kesner R.P. - 1988
Different neurotoxic amino acids into nucleus basalis magnocellularis of the rat
Dunnett, S.B., Whishaw I.Q., Jones G.H., Bunch S.T. - 1987
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and septum lesions on passive avoidance, spatial memory and cholinergic system activity in the rat
Miyamoto, M., Kato J., Narumi S., Nagaoka A. - 1987
Fornix transection and pituitary-adrenal modulation on extinction in rats
Osborne, B., Silverhart T., Markgraf C., Seggie J. - 1987
Effects of basal forebrain, raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus lesions on rat's memory
Wenk, G., Hughey D., Boundy V., Kim A., Walker L., Olton D. - 1987
6-hydroxydopamine lesions of dorsal and ventral bundle on aversive conditioning in rats
Cole, B.J., Robbins T.W. - 1987
Open field and passive avoidance and lesions by electrocoagulation or ibotenic acid in rats
Riolobos, A.S., Martin Garcia A.I. - 1987
Hippocampal and amygdaloid involvement in temporal memory
Olton, D.S., Meek W.H., Church R.M. - 1987
Anterior basolateral amygdala lesions on taste aversion in rats
Simbayi, L.C. - 1987
Medial amygdala lesions on aggressive behavior of male rats
Vochteloo, J.D., Koolhaas J.M. - 1987
Amygdaloid dopaminergic system and passive avoidance in rats
Loskutova, L.V., Gilinsky M.A. - 1987
Kainic accessory olfactory bulb lesions and medial amygdala reorganization in rats
Ichikawa, M. - 1987
Amygdala on avoidance and operant conditioning in rats
Sidorov, B.M., Sosina V.D. - 1987
Amygdalectomy on visual and auditory discrimination learning in monkeys
Gaffan, D., Harrison S. - 1987
Cholinergic neurotoxin into dorsal hippocampus on passive avoidance in rats
Tateishi, N., Takano Y., Honda K., Yamada K., Kamiya Y., Kamiya H. - 1987