Hypothermia-induced amnesia for newly acquired and old reactivated memories in rats
Mactutus, C.F., Ferek J.M., George C.A., Riccio D.C. - 1982
Adrenergic antagonists on Y-maze avoidance impairment by amygdala stimulation in rats
Sternberg, D.B., Gold P.E. - 1981
Circadian shift and retrograde amnesia in rats
Tapp, W.N., Holloway F.A. - 1981
Retrograde amnesia and mesencephalic reticular formation in humans
Goldberg, E., Antin S.P., Bilder R.M. Jr., Gerstman L.J., Hughes J.E.O., Mattis S. - 1981
Scopolamine amnesic effects in rats
Moss, D.E., Rogers J.B., Deutsch J.A., Salome R.R. - 1981
ACTH and retrograde amnesia in rats
Mactutus, C.F., Smith R.L., Riccio D.C. - 1980
Vasopressin on diethyldithiocarbamate-induced amnesia in rats
Asin, K.E. - 1980
Neurochemistry of learning and memory - Review
Dunn, A.J. - 1980
Protein synthesis inhibitors on mouse amnesia
Rainbow, T.C., Hoffman P.L., Flexner L.B. - 1980
Extinction trial as a reminder treatment following electroconvulsive shock in rats
Gordon, W., Mowrer R.R. - 1980
Local potassium chloride on hippocampus and amnesia in rats
Elisabetsky, E.D., Vendite A., Izquierdo I. - 1979
Hyperthermia and amnesia in rats
Misanin, J.R., Vonheyn R.E., Bartelt S.W., Boulden W.L. - 1979
Old memory in rats: cue exposure and amnesic hypothermia
Mactutus, C.F., Riccio D.C., Ferek J.M. - 1979
Psychobiology of active and inactive memory - Review
Lewis, D.J. - 1979
Electroconvulsive shock effects on acquisition, retrieval and extinction of the conditioned taste aversion in the rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1979
Conditioned taste aversion amnesia and cycloheximide or ouabain central administration in rats
Tucker, A.R., Gibbs M.E. - 1979
Phenoxibenzamine and amnesia in mice
Gold, P.E., Sternberg D.B. - 1978
Intra-substantia nigra substance P on passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Huston, J.P., Staubli U. - 1978
Vasopressin and retrograde amnesia in rats
Pfeifer, W.-D., Bookin H.B. - 1978
Locus coerulesu and labile memory - passive avoidance in rats
Zornetzer, S.F., Abraham W.C., Appleton R. - 1978
Acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion in rats
Buresova, O., Bures J. - 1977
Cycloheximide dose-degree of inhibition of protein synthesis in mice and memory impairment
Quinton, E.E., Kramarcy N.R. - 1977
ACTH on memory extinction in rats
Gold, P.E., Van Buskirk R. - 1976
ACTH4-9/ACTH4-10 on retrograde amnesia by CO2 in rats
Rigter, H., Janssens-Elbertse R., Van Riezen H. - 1976
Electroconvulsive shock and puromycin effects on amnesia in goldfishes
Springer, A.D., Agranoff B.W. - 1976
Dopamine β-hydroxylase on maturation of memory in mice
Flexner, J.B., Flexner L.B. - 1976
Prevention of memory loss following puromycin treatment in mice
Hall, M.E., Schlesinger K., Stamm E. - 1976
Substantia nigra and caudate-putamen stimulation on passive avoidance - dopaminergic nigro-neostriatal bundle lesion in rats
Fibiger, H.C., Phillips A.G. - 1976
ACTH and amnesia by CO2 in rats
Rigter, H., Elbertse R., Van Riezen H. - 1975