Avoidance and exploration for studying anxiety in mice
Carvalho-Netto, E.F., Nunes-de-Souza R.L. - 2004
Benzodiazepine into the perirhinal cortex and systemic administration on c-fos expression, object recognition and plasticity in rats
Wan, H., Warburton E.C., Zhu X.O., Koder T.J., Park Y., Aggleton J.P., Cho K., Bashir Z.I., Brown M.W. - 2004
Etifoxine on stress-induced hyperthermia and conditioned freezing in rats
Verleye, M, Gillardin J.-M. - 2004
Flumazenil and tacrine on ondansetron reversion of scopolamine-induced Morris water maze amnesia in rats
Diez-Ariza, M., Redondo C., Garcia-Alloza M., Lasheras B., Del Rio J., Ramirez M.J. - 2003
Neurobiology and control of anxious states - Review
Millan, M.J. - 2003
Agmatine effects on elevated plus maze and open field behavior of rats
Lavinsky, D., Arteni N.S., Netto C.A. - 2003
Cannabinoids and diazepam effects on place preference in water maze in rats
Robinson, L., Hinder L., Pertwee R.G., Riedel G. - 2003
Chronic guanosine on amnesia, anxiety and glutamatergic excitotoxicity in mice
Vinadé, E.R., Schmidt A.P., Frizzo M.E.S., Izquierdo I., Elisabetsky E., Souza D.O. - 2003
Platelet activating factor and benzodiazepines effects on water maze performance in mice
Saraf, M.K., Kishore K., Thomas K.M., Sharma A., Singh M. - 2003
Dorsal raphe nucleus 5,7-dihydroxytriptamine lesions or local injection of benzodiazepine, 5-HT1A and GABA-A agonists effects on anxiety tests in rats
Sena, L.M., Bueno C., Pobbe R.L.H., Andrade T.G.C.S., Zangrossi H. Jr., Viana M.B. - 2003
NMDA-receptor antagonists on anxiety test in mice
Dere, E., Topic B., De Souza Silva M.A., Fink H., Buddenberg T., Huston J.P. - 2003
Benzodiazepines on water maze performance in rats
Keith, J.R., Pitts R.C., Pezzuti T., Galizio M. - 2003
mRNA expression for NMDA-NR1 and NR2B in hippocampus and tolerance to diazepam in rats
Perez, M.F., Salmiron R., Ramirez O.A. - 2003
GABA agonist and antagonist on neophobia and fear conditioning in rats
Sienkiewicz-Jarosz, H., Szyndler J., Czlonkowska A.I., Siemiatkowski M., Maciejak P., Wislowska A., Zienowicz M., Lehner M., Turzynska D., Bidzinski A., Plaznik A. - 2003
5-HT1A/1B receptor knockout mice in stress and anxiety paradigms - Review
Groenink, L., van Bogaert M.J.V., Van der Gugten J., Oosting R.S., Olivier B. - 2003
Anxiolytic effect of glutamate receptor agonist on fear-potentiated startle in humans
Grillon, C., Cordova J., Levine L.R., Morgan C.A. III - 2003
Oxiracetam on scopolamine and diazepam impairment in plus maze task in mice
Hlinak, Z., Krejci I. - 2002
Male and female C57BL/6 mice response in actiuve and passive avoidance after diazepam
Podhorna, J., McCabe S., Brown R.E. - 2002
Anxiolytic action of mGlu2/3 agonist in fear-potentiated startle and diazepam in rats
Tizzano, J.P., Griffey K.T., Schoepp D.D. - 2002
Conditioned freezing by stimulation of dorsal periaqueductal gray in rats: role of benzodiazepine and serotonergic mechanisms
Castilho, V.M., Macedo C.E., Brandao M.L. - 2002
Graded anxiety test based on combination of elevated plus maze and light-dark test in mice
Dere, E., Topic B., De Souza Silva M.A., Srejic M., Frisch C., Buddenberg T., Huston J.P. - 2002
Midazolam on memory enhancing treatment in rats passive avoidance
Quevedo, J., de-Paris F., Vianna M.R.M., Barichello T., Roesler R., Kapczinski F. - 2002
Diazepam and β-carboline-3-carboxylate on working memory and emotional reactivity in mice
Krazem, A., Borde N., Beracochea D. - 2001
Metabotropic glutamate antagonist on fear conditioning and startle response in rats
Schulz, B., Fendt M., Gasparini F., Lingenhohl K., Kuhn R., Koch M. - 2001
Chlordiazepoxide on non-spatial reference memory in cued radial arm maze in rats
Olaman, S.J., McNaughton N. - 2001
Substance P and diazepam on T-maze exploration in rats
Echeverry, M.B., Hasenohre R.U., Huston J.P., Tomaz C. - 2001
Benzodiazepines on conditioned suppression in cholinergic basal forebrain lesioned rats
Stowell, J.R., Bernston G.G., Sarter M. - 2000
Nerve growth factor inducible gene B m-RNA in rat's amygdala/neocortex and contextual fear conditioning: diazepam effects
Malkani, S., Rosen J.B. - 2000
Effects of benzodiazepine antagonist into the amygdala on passive avoidance in rats
Da Cunha, C., Roozendaal B., Vazdarjanova A., McGaugh J.L. - 1999
Avoidance learning and anxiety: benzodiazepine receptors in the amygdala and hippocampus in rats
Ribeiro, R.L., Andreatini R., Wolfman C., Viola H., Medina J.H., Da Cunha C. - 1999