Olfactory, visual discrimination, exploration and aversive response in T-maze of vasopressin-deficient rats
Brito, G.N.O., Thornas G.J., Gingold S.I., Gash D.M. - 1981
Brattleboro and Long-Evans rats: open field, avoidance and endocrine function
Bailey, W.H., Weiss J.M. - 1981
Photoperiod and vasopressin on circadian locomotor activity and drinking in Brattleboro and control female rats
Groblewski, T.A., Nunez A.A., Gold R.M. - 1981
Vasopressin and blood pressure and active avoidance extinction in rats
Le Moal, M., Koob G.F., Koda L.Y., Bloom F.E., Manning M., Sawyer W.H., Rivier J. - 1981
Vasopressin and peptide antagonist on active avoidance extinction in rats
Koob, G. F., Le Moal M., Gaffori O., Manning M., Sawyer W.H., Rivier J., Bloom F.E. - 1981
Intracerebroventricular vasopressin and oxytocin on grooming and immobility in mice
Meisenberg, G. - 1981
Neuropeptides - Review
Bloom, F.E. - 1981
Circadian vasopressin blood and cerebrospinal fluid levels in cats
Reppert, S.M., Artman H. G., Swaminathan S., Fisher D.A. - 1981
Brain neuropeptides - Review
Boer, G.J., Swaab D.F., Uylings H.B.M., Boer K., Buijs R.M., Velis D.N. - 1980
Neuropeptides and adaptive behavior
De Wied, D. - 1980
Vasopressin, ACTH and glucocorticoids in Brattleboro rats
Buckingham, J.C., Leach J.H. - 1980
Brattleboro rats stalk median eminence extracts
Gillies, G., Lowry P.J. - 1980
Vasopressin on diethyldithiocarbamate-induced amnesia in rats
Asin, K.E. - 1980
6-Hydroxydopamine or vasopressin antiserum intra-dorsal raphe nucleus on passive avoidance in rats
Kovacs, G.L, Vecsei L., Medve L., Teledgy G. - 1980
Central nervous system vasopressin and norepinephrine - Review
Kovacs, G.L., Bohus B., Versteeg D.H.G. - 1980
Cerebral dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in Brattleboro rats
Kovacs, G.L., Szabo G., Szontagh L., Medve L., Telegdy G., Lazlo F.A. - 1980
Vasopressin in brain areas
Glick, S.M., Brownstein M.J. - 1980
Vasopressin on passive avoidance in rats
Hostetter, G., Jubb S.L., Kozlowski G.P. - 1980
Vasopressin distribution in the rat brain
Hawthorn, J., Ang V.T.Y., Jenkins J.S. - 1980
Vasopressin and spatial short-term memory in rats
Buresova, O., Skopkova J. - 1980
Circadian hypothalamic vasopressin neuron activity, drinking and locomotion in Brattleboro and control rats - Review
Peterson, G.M., Watkins W.B., Moore R.Y. - 1980
Morphine on hypothalamic vasopressin neurons excitability in rats
Clarke, G., Lincoln D.W., Wood P. - 1980
Morphine on vasopressin release in rats
Aziz, L.A., Forsling M.L., Woolf C.J. - 1980
Intracerebroventricular or systemic vasopressin on nociception in rats
Berntson, G.G., Berson B.S. - 1980
Morphine analgesia and response to stress in Brattleboro and control rats
Bodnar, R.J., Zimmermann E.A., Nilaver G., Mansour A., Thomas L.W., Kelly D.D., Glusman M. - 1980
Vasopressin localization in the brain - Review
Buijs, R.M., Velis D.N., Swaab D.F. - 1980
ACTH and vasopressin on aggressive behavior in mice
Roche, K.E., Leshner A.I. - 1979
Vasopressin modulation of corticotropin releasing factor in rats
Gillies, G., Lowry P. - 1979
Vasopressin and memory in rats
Kovacs, G.L., Bohus B., Versteeg D.H.G. - 1979
ACTH4-10, amygdala and avoidance in rats
Van Wimersma Greidanus, T. B., Croiset G., Bakker E., Bouman H. - 1979