Systemic MK-801 on operant conditioning in rats
Miller, J.P., McAuley J.D., Pang K.C.H. - 2006
D1 agonist and antagonist on operant behavior of rats
Katz, J.L., Kopajtic T.A., Terry P. - 2006
Event-related potential component and punishment/reward sensitivity in humans
Boksem, M.A.S., Tops M., Wester A.E., Meijman T.F., Lorist M.M. - 2006
Prefrontal firing and operant conditioning in monkeys
Nacher, V., Ojeda S., Cadarso-Suarez C., Roca-Pardinas J., Acuna C. - 2006
Dopaminergic system in reward prediction - Commentary
Niv, Y., Daw N.D., Dayan P. - 2006
Substantia nigra dopaminergic firing and operant conditioning in monkeys
Morris, G., Nevet A., Arkadir D., Vaadia E., Bergman H. - 2006
Posterior parietal firing and operant conditioning of monkeys
Gail, A., Andersen R.A. - 2006
Medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation on dopamine release in the rat nulcues accumbens
Hernandez, G., Hamdani S., Rajabi H., Conover K., Stewart J., Arvanitogiannis A., Shizgal P. - 2006
Dopamine and reward - Commentary
Gallistel, C.R. - 2006
Dopamine agonist and antagonist on instrumental learning in humans
Pessiglione, M., Seymour B., Flandin G., Dolan R.J., Frith C.D. - 2006
Dopamine on operant conditioning of mice
Cagniard, B., Beeler J.A., Britt J.P., McGehee D.S., Matinelli M., Zhuang X. - 2006
Cerebral cortex activity during operant conditioning in dogs
Dumenko, V.N., Kozlov M.K. - 2006
Prefrontal firing and operant conditioning in monkeys
Sakurai, Y., Takahashi S. - 2006
Cortical plasticity and conditioning in monkeys
Blake, D.T., Heiser M.A., Caywood M., Merzenich M.M. - 2006
Nucleus accumbes GluR1 receptors on intracranial self-stimulation in rats
Todtenkopf, M.S., Parsegian A., Naydenov A., Neve R.L., Konradi C., Carlezon W.A. Jr. - 2006
Middle temporal and prefrontal firing in visual discrimination of monkeys
Zaksas, D., Pasternak T. - 2006
Subicular role in operant conditioning - Commentary
O'Mara, S. - 2006
Hippocampal long-term potentiation and cocaine self-administration acquisition and extinction in rats
Del Olmo, N., Miguens M., Higuera-Matas A., Torres I., Garcia-Lecumberri C., Solis J.M., Ambrosio E. - 2006
Δfos B expression in nucleus accumbens during operant conditioning - Commentary
Belin, D., Rauscent A. - 2006
Spontaneously hypertensive rat performance in operant conditioning
Hand, D.J., Fox A.T., Reilly M.P. - 2006
Taste of reinforcer in operant conditioning of rats
Weatherly, J.N., Nurnberger J.T., Austin D.P., Wright C.L. - 2006
Scaling incentive taste in operant conditioning of rats
Papini, M.R., Pellegrini S. - 2006
Contextual shifts on extinction and renewal of operant conditioning in rats
Boughner, R.L., Papini M.R. - 2006
Feeding behavior in Aplysia: model of classical and operant conditioning - Review
Baxter, D.A., Byrne J.H. - 2006
Sleep after acquisition and retrieval of odor-reward conditioning in rats
Eschenko, O., Molle M., Born J., Sara S.J. - 2006
Monoamino oxidase role in morphine and food reinforcement in operant conditioning of rats
He, S., Grasing K. - 2006
Dorsomedial striatum in instrumental conditioning of rats
Yin, H.H., Ostlund S. B., Knowlton B.J., Balleine B.W. - 2005
Orexin or nicotine into prefrontal cortex on rat's operant conditioning
Lambe, E.K., Olausson P., Horst N.K., Taylor J.R., Aghajanian G.K. - 2005
Nicotinic cholinergic receptors on appetitive learning of mice
Keller, J.J., Keller A.B., Bowers B.J., Wehner J.M. - 2005
Septal, hippocampal and amygdalar cythocrome oxidase activity and conditioned suppression in rats
Conejo, N.M., Lopez M., Cantora R., Gonzalez-Pardo H., Lopez L., Begega A., Vallejo G., Arias J.L. - 2005