Unilateral dopamine depletion by 6-hydroxydopamine on bilateral deficit in conditioned rotation of rats
Richards, J.B., Sabol K.E., Freed C.R. - 1990
Suprachiasmatic nuclei, circadian rhythms and food anticipation in rats
Boulos, Z., Logothetis D.E. - 1990
Hippocampectomized rats in the radial arm maze
Okaichi, H., Oshima Y. - 1990
Unilateral anteromedial cortex lesions on prey-catching and spatio-motor behavior in rats
Christie, D., Terry P., Oakley D.A. - 1990
Forebrain ischemia on spatial learning in rats
Hagan, J.J., Beaughard M. - 1990
Inflammatory response and ibotenate neural degeneration in rats
Coffey, P.J., Perry V.H., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1990
Computer-assisted analysis of behavior-brain damage relationships - Technique
Edwards, D.A., Maillard C.A. - 1990
Neocortical and hippocampal lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Jaldow, E.J., Oakley D.A. - 1990
Neocortex on operant conditioning in rats
Jaldow, E.J., Oakley D.A., Davey G.C.L. - 1990
Cortical or hippocampal damage on learning in rats
Terry, P., Oakley D.A. - 1990
Cerebellum and learning processes in animals - Review
Lalonde, R., Botez M.I. - 1990
Response of cerebral hemisphere of the mature rat to injury - Review
Maxwell, W.L., Follows R., Ashhurst D.E., Berry M. - 1990
Response of cerebral hemisphere of the neonatal rat to injury - Review
Maxwell, W.L., Follows R., Ashhurst D.E., Berry M. - 1990
Primate hippocampus and memory storage
Zola-Morgan, S., Squire L.R. - 1990
Hippocampal representation in place learning in rats
Eichenbaum, H., Stewart C., Morris R.G.M. - 1990
Cerebellar interpositus nucleus lesions on classical conditioning and related hippocampal activity in rabbits
Sears, L.L., Steinmetz J.E. - 1990
Physostigmine on memory in intact and nucleus basalis-lesioned rats
Santucci, A.C., Kanof P.D., and Haroutunian V. - 1989
Ibotenic acid and quisqualic acid lesions of substantia innominata on attention in the rat - Cholinergic nucleus basalis neurons
Robbins, T.W., Everitt B.J., Marston H.M., Wilkinson J., Jones G.H., Page K.J. - 1989
Cholinergic system and memory in the rat: effects of ethanol
Arendt, T., Allen Y., Marchbanks R.M., Schugens M.M., Sinden J., Lantos P.L., Gray J.A. - 1989
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis bilateral lesions on passive avoidance and spatial learning improvement by continuous infusion of cholinergic drugs in rats
Miyamoto, M., Narumi S., Nagaoka A., Coyle J.T. - 1989
Bilateral nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions and improvement by anticholinesterase of passive avoidance in rats
Dokla, C.P.J., Parker S.C., Thal L.J. - 1989
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions protected by nerve growth factor and ganglioside in rats
Casamenti, F., Di Patre P.L., Milan F., Petrelli L., Pepeu G. - 1989
ACTH4-9 and spatial alternation in cortical lesioned rats
McDaniel, W.F., Davall E.J., Walker P.E. - 1989
Kainate amygdaloid lesions on spatial working memory in rats
Ermakova, I.V., Loseva E.V., Valouskova V., Bures J. - 1989
Amygdaloid and hippocampal lesions on memory in monkeys
Zola-Morgan, S., Squire L.R., Amaral G. - 1989
Central nucleus of the amygdala lesions and startle reflex in mice
Hitchcock, J.M., Sananes C.B., Davis M. - 1989
Amygdaloid and amygdaloid-hippocampal lesions on retention of spatial working memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Blind H.S., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1989
Central but not basolateral amygdala lesions on radial maze test in rats
Kesner, R.P., Walser R. D., Winzenried G. - 1989
Hippocampus and amygdala lesions on alternation in infant rats
Lobaugh, N.J., Greene P.L., Grant M., Nick T., Amsel A. - 1989
Amygdaloid lesions on food rewarded spatial memory in rats
Ermakova, I.V., Loseva E.V., Podachin V.P. - 1989