Centromedial and basolateral amygdala lesions on stress-related responses in rats
Grijalva, C.V., Levin E.D., Morgan M., Roland B., Martin F.C. - 1990
Central amygdala lesions on freezing and bradycardia in rats
Roozendaal, B., Koolhaas J.M., Bohus B. - 1990
Mammillary body and amygdalar-fornix lesions on recognition memory in rats
Aggleton, J.P., Hunt P.R., Shaw C. - 1990
Amygdala and neuromodulatory influences on memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L., Introini-Collison I.B., Nagahara A.H., Cahill L., Brioni J.D., Castellano C. - 1990
Amnesia induced by hippocampal and amygdala ablation compared with serotonergic and cholinergic blockade in rats
Dickson, C.T., Vanderwolf C.H. - 1990
Central amygdala in conditioned cephalic insulin response in rats
Roozendaal, B., Oldenburger W.P., Strubbe J.H., Koolhaas J.M., Bohus B. - 1990
Amygdaloid central nucleus on appetitive Pavlovian conditioning in rats
Gallagher, M., Graham P.W., Holland P.C. - 1990
Lateral amygdaloid nucleus and conditioned emotional response in rats
LeDoux, J.E., Cicchetti P., Xagoraris A., Romanski L.M. - 1990
Amygdala, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex on monkey's conditioning
Gaffan, D., Murray E.A. - 1990
Anterograde and retrograde amnsia and dorsal hippocampal and dorsomedial thalamic lesions in rats
Winocur, G. - 1990
Septal, prelimbic and frontal cortical lesions on memory and activity in rats
Brito, G.N.O., Brito L.S.O. - 1990
Amygdalae lesion on exploration and laterality in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1990
Open field activity and labyrinthectomy in rats
Porter, J.D., Pellis S.M., Meyer M.E. - 1990
Medial prefrontal cortex lesion on exploration in rats: FG7142 anxiogenic effects
Jaskiw, G.E., Weinberger D.R. - 1990
6-hydroxydopamine lesion of prefrontal cortex on locomotion and memory in rats
Bubser, M., Schmidt W.J. - 1990
Decortication effect on 8-arm radial maze task in rats
Deyo, R.A., Panksepp J. - 1990
Ibotenate lesions of medial prefrontal cortex on regional brain dopamine and locomotion in rats
Jaskiw, G.E., Karoum F., Freed W.J., Phillips I., Kleinman J.E., Weinberger D.R. - 1990
Parietal cortex lesions on shock-motivated 14-unit T-maze behavior in rats
Jucker, M., Kametani H., Bresnahan E.L., Ingram D.K. - 1990
Cerebellectomy and active avoidance in rats
Dahhaoui, M., Caston J., Auray N., Reber A. - 1990
Cerebellar hemispheres and vermis lesions on heart rate conditioning in rats
Supple, W.F., Leaton R.N. - 1990
Mediodorsal thalamic lesions on reference and working memory in rats
Stokes, K.A., Best P.J. - 1990
Caudate nucleus lesions and reference memory in radial maze of rats
Packard, M.G., White N.M. - 1990
Amygdala lesions on active and passive avoidance in rats
Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., Bucherelli C., Giachetti A., Tassoni G. - 1990
Nucleus basalis lesions by coclhicine on spatial navigation in rats
Mundy, W.R., Barone S., Tilson H.A. - 1990
Superior cerebellar peduncule and conditioned nictitating response in rabbits
McCormick, D.A., Guyer P.E., Thompson R.F. - 1990
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis and memory
Markowska, A.L., Wenk G.L., Olton D.S. - 1990
Vagal afferents and area postrema lesions on taste aversion in rats
Arnedo, M., Gallo M., Aguero A., Puerto A. - 1990
Brain structures involved in sawdust-digging problem in the rat
Thompson, R., Huestis P.W., Shea C.N., Crinella F.M., Yu J. - 1990
Hippocampal and prefrontal cortex lesions and age on complex maze learning in rats
Winocur, G., Moscovitch M. - 1990
Band of Broca and nucleus basalis lesions on Morris maze behavior in rats
Riekkinen, P. Jr., Sirvio J., Riekkinen P. - 1990