Intra-septal and intra-amygdaloid β-endorphin on spatial alternation in rats
Wan, R.Q., Givens B.S., Olton D.S. - 1995
NMDA antagonist into basolateral amygdala on taste potentiated odor conditioning in rats
Hatfield, T., Gallagher M. - 1995
Central amygdala lesions on fear-potentiated startle effects in rats
Falls, W.A., Davis M. - 1995
Hippocampal and non hippocampal contributions to place learning in rats
McDonald, R.J., White N.M. - 1995
Morphine into the amygdala on conditioned fear and hypoalgesia in rats
Good, A.J., Westbrook R.F. - 1995
Effects of basolateral amygdala lesions on novelty and amphetamine responding in rats
Ahmed, S.H., Cador M., Le Moal M., Stinus L. - 1995
Diazepam into basolateral amygdala impairs passive avoidance in rats
De Souza Silva, M.A., Tomaz C. - 1995
Pregnenolone into the limbic system enhances memory processes in mice
Flood, J.F., Morley J.E., Roberts E. - 1995
Catecholamine and neuropeptide Y efferents from the ventrolateral medulla to the amygdala in rats
Zardetto-Smith, A.M., Gray T.S. - 1995
Cortical and amygdalar population of the limbic system - Review
Bruce, L.L., Neary T.J. - 1995
Septal and amygdaloid lesions on memory, arousal, stress and locomotion in rats
Decker, M.W., Curzon P., Brioni J.D. - 1995
Basolateral amygdala lesions on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Ferry, B., Sandner G., DiScala G. - 1995
Amygdaloid and hippocampal lesions and magnitude of reinforcement in rats
Kesner, R.P., Williams J.M. - 1995
Post-training amygdala lesions on passive avoidance in rats
Parent, M.B., Quirarte G.L., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. - 1995
effect of hippocampal stimulation on basolateral amygdala
Maren, S., Fanselow M.S. - 1995
Amygdala and memory storage - Review
McGaugh, J.L., Cahill L., Parent M.B., Mesches M.H., Coleman-Mesches K., Salinas J.A. - 1995
Amygdala role in conditioned asociative learning - Review
Ono, T., Nishijo H., Uwano T. - 1995
Neural network model of fear conditioning
Armony, J.L., Cohen J.D., Servan-Schreiber D., LeDoux J.E. - 1995
Emotion: clues from the brain - Review
LeDoux J. - 1995
Basolateral amygdala and long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus in rats
Ikegaya, Y., Saito H., Abe K. - 1995
Unilateral temporal lobectomy in humans and fear conditioning
LaBar, K.S., LeDoux J.E., Spencer D.D., Phelps E.A. - 1995
Auditory evoked responses and long-term potentiation in fear situation in the rat
Rogan, M.T., LeDoux J.E. - 1995
Protein kinase C in amygdala and hippocampus on passive avoidance in rats
Bernabeu, R., Izquierdo I., Cammarota M., Jerusalinsky D., Medina J.H. - 1995
Amygdala neuronal responsiveness to sensory stimuli and associative learning in rats
Uwano, T., Nishijo H., Ono T., Tamura R. - 1995
Medial geniculate and central amygdala on conditioned heart rate in rabbits
McEchron, M.D., McCabe P.M., Green E.J., Llabre M.L., Schneiderman N. - 1995
Amygdala modulation of hippocampus- and caudate-dependent spatial memory in rats
Packard, M.G., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. - 1994
Amygdala tetrodotoxin inactivation and conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Roldan, G., Bures J. - 1994
GABA-A agonist into entorhinal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus on memory in rats
Jerusalinsky, D., Quillfeldt J.A., Walz R., Da Silva R.C., Bueno e Silva M., Bianchin M., Schmitz P., Zanatta M.S., Ruschel A.C., Paczko N., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 1994
Amygdala and hippocampus rol in associative memory of the rats
Peinado-Manzano, M.A. - 1994
Food intake and body weight of amygdala-lesioned rats
King, B.M., Sam H., Arceneaux E.R., Kass J.M. - 1994