Passive avoidance and retrograde amnesia in rats: age differences
Blozovsky, D., Buser P. - 1988
Pro-active and retroactive effects of the electroconvulsive shock on memory in rats
Lerer, B., Stanley M., Keegan M., Altman H. - 1986
Time course of short-term memory in bees
Menzel, R., Sugawa M. - 1986
Reversal of scopolamine-induced amnesia by naloxone in mice
Rush, D.K. - 1986
Retrograde amnesia by post-trial atropine injection into the caudate-putamen in rats
Giordano, M., Prado-Alcalà R.A. - 1986
Electroconvulsive shock on new and used traces of spatial memory - Review
Maki, W.S. - 1986
Hippocampal lesions and human amnesia
Zola-Morgan, S., Squire L.R., Amaral D.G. - 1986
Active and passive avoidance amnesia induced by circadian phase shift in rats
Fekete, M., van Ree J.M., Niesink R.J.M., de Wied D. - 1985
Electroconvulsive shock: working and spatial memory in rats
Beatty, W.W., Bierley R.A., Rush J.R. - 1985
Anterograde amnesia induced by elecxtroconvulsive shock and hippocampal and entorhinal role in rats
Perez-Saad, H., Valouskova V., Bures J. - 1984
Somatostatin on electroconvulsive shock-induced amnesia in rats
Vecsei, L., Bollock I., Varga J., Penke B., Teledgy G. - 1984
Imidazoline analogs and amnesia in rats
Borodkin, Yu.S., Shabanov P.D., Lapina I.A., Yaitchnikov I.K. - 1984
Hypoxia effect on consolidation of passive avoidance in chicks
Allweis, C., Gibbs M.E., Ng K.T., Hodge R.J. - 1984
Protein synthesis and memory - Review
Davis, H.P., Squire L.R. - 1984
Fucose incorporation in chick brain and memory storage
Rose, S.P.R., Harding S. - 1984
Experimentally induced retrograde amnesia and reactivation of the trace - Review
Riccio, D.C., Richardson R. - 1984
Cycloheximide and diphenylhydantoin on passive avoidance consolidation in day-old chicks
Gibbs, M.E., Ng K.T. - 1984
Amygdalar norepinephrine, caudatal dopamine and consolidation in rats
Kesner, R.P., Ellis M.E. - 1983
Amygdala and hippocampus on memory and amnesia - Review
Morris, R.G.M. - 1983
Hypothermia and anterograde amnesia in rats
Richardson, R., Riccio D.C. - 1983
Substance P on amnesia induced by electroconvulsive shock or cycloheximide in mice
Schlesinger, K., Lipsitz D.U., Peck P.L., Pelleymounter M.A., Stewart J.M., Chase T.N. - 1983
Vasopressin and amnesia induced by electroconvulsive shock in humans
Partap, M., Jos C.J., Dye C.J. - 1983
Pre-test norepinephrine on retrograde amnesia in rats
Concannon, J.T, Carr M. - 1982
Systemic anisomycin on passive avoidance consolidation and reconsolidation in mice
Judge, M.E., Quatermain D. - 1982
Neuropsychology of human memory - Review
Squire, L.R. - 1982
Molecular and cell biological aspects of learning - Review
Shashoua, V.E. - 1982