Amygdala role in human declarative memory
Adolphs, R., Denbyrg N.L., Tranel D. - 2001
Amygdala kindling in rats: context as conditioned stimulus
Barnes, S.J., Pinel J.P.J., Francis L.H., Wig C.S. - 2001
Amygdala central nucleus lesions on conditioned inhibition in rat's operative responding
Holland, P.C., Chik Y., Zhang Q. - 2001
Amygdala lesion effects on stress-related hippocampal long-term potentiation, glucocorticoids and water maze task in rats
Kim, J.J., Lee H.J., Han J.-S., Packard M.G. - 2001
Intra-amygdala NMDA blockade on acquisition and expression of fear conditioning in rats
Rodrigues, S.M., Schafe G.E., LeDoux J.E. - 2001
Primate amygdala in conditioned reinforcement
Parkinson, J.A., Crofts H.S., McGauigan M., Tomic D.L., Everitt B.J., Roberts A.C. - 2001
Neurotoxic basolateral amygdala lesions and fear conditioning in rats
Maren, S. - 2001
Fos expression in the amygdala and ventral perirhinal cortex after olfactory fear conditioning in rats
Schettino, L.F., Otto T. - 2001
Amygdaloid central nucleus lesions on discriminative avoidance and training-induced cingulo-thalamic neuronal activity in rabbits
Smith, D.M., Monteverde J., Schwartz E., Freeman J.H. Jr., Gabriel M. - 2001
Amygdaloid nuclei lesions on auditory fear conditioning in rats
Nader, K., Majidishad P., Amorapanth P., LeDoux J.E. - 2001
Gene expression in the amygdala during formation of fear memory in mice
Stork, O., Stork S., Pape H.-C., Obata K. - 2001
Amygdala activity during emotion in humans: sex-related laterality
Cahill, L., Haier R.J., White N.S., Fallon J., Kilpatrick L., Lawrence C., Potkin S.G., Alkire M.T. - 2001
Basal amygdala excitability on hippocampal long-term potentiation - Review
Abe, K. - 2001
Amygdala and nucleus accumbens inactivation on extinction of cocaine self-administration in rats
Grimm, J.W., See R.E. - 2000
Adrenergic activation of nucleus solitary tract on amygdalar norepinephrine release: effect on passive avoidance and spatial memory in rats
Clayton, E.C., Williams C.L. - 2000
Noradrenergic activation od nucleus of solitary tract on norepinephrine release in the amygdala: avoidance memory in rats
Williams, C.L., Men D., Clayton E.C. - 2000
Memory consolidation - Review
McGaugh, J.L. - 2000
Post-acquisition amygdala lesions on shock-probe avoidance retention-retrieval in rats
Lehmann, H., Treit D., Parent M.B. - 2000
Amygdala and hippocampus lesions on fear conditioning to context in rats
Antoniadis, E.A., McDonald R.J. - 2000
Nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala lesions ipsi- or contralateral on glucocorticoid modulation of passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Setlow, B., Roozendaal B., McGaugh J.L. - 2000
Peripheral and intra-amygdala D1 dopamine antagonist on fear potentiated startle and shock reactivity and sensitization in rats
Greba, Q., Kokkinidis L. - 2000
Intra-amygdaloid D2 dopamine antagonist on fear conditioning in rats
Guarraci, F.A., Frohardt R.J., Falls W.A., Kapp B.S. - 2000
Morphine into the periaqueductal gray and amygdaloid-thalamic interaction on nociception in rats
Borszcz, G.S., Streltsov N.G. - 2000
Bed nucleus and amygdala role on shock-induced hyperalgesia in rats
Crown, E.D., King T.E., Meagher M.W., Grau J.W. - 2000
Neurobiology of learning and memory - Review
Baddeley, A., Bueno O., Cahill L., Fuster J.M., Izquierdo I., McGaugh J.L., Morris R.G.M., Nadel L., Routtenberg A., Xavier G., Da Cunha C. - 2000
Mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor into amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and parietal cortex on rat's passive avoidance behavior
Walz, R., Roesler R., Quevedo J., Sant'Anna M.K., Madruga M., Rodrigues C., Gottfried C., Medina J.H., Izquierdo I. - 2000
Amygdala lesions in mice on fear-potentiated startle to visual and auditory CS
Heldt, S., Sundin V., Willott J.F., Falls W.A. - 2000
Enkephalin mRNA in central amygdala and conditioned fear in rats
Petrovich, G.D., Scicli A.P., Thompson R.F., Swanson L.W. - 2000
Conditioned emotional response and lateral amygdala firing in rats
Paré, D., Collins D.R. - 2000
Basolateral amygdala on emotional event storage - Comment
Vazdarjanova, A. - 2000