Amygdalo-hypothalamic system on control of eating in rats
Petrovich, G.D., Setlow B., Holland P.C., Gallagher M. - 2002
Intracerebral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and spatial memory in rats
Egashira, N., Mishima K., Iwasaki K., Fujiwara M. - 2002
Amygdalar long-term potentiation and fear conditioning - Review
Goosens, K.A., Maren S. - 2002
Corticotropin-releasing hormone in basolateral amygdala on passive avoidance consolidation in rats
Roozendaal, B., Brunson K.L., Holloway B.L., McGaugh J.L., Baram T.Z. - 2002
Long-term potentitaion and long-term depression in intercalated amygdala neurons is dependent fron NMDA receptors in guinea pigs
Royer, S., Paré D. - 2002
Colecistokinin-B receptor binding in amygdala and nucleus accumbens during exploration and fear-potentiated startle in rats
Wunderlich, G.R., Raymond R., DeSousa N.J., Nobrega J.N., Vaccarino F.J. - 2002
5,7-HT lesions in amygdala on defensive behavior induced by inferior colliculus stimulation in rats
Macedo, C.E., Castilho V.M., de Souza e Silva M.A., Brandao M.L. - 2002
Fear memory and protein synthesis in amygdala in the rat
Lamprecht, R., Farb C.R., LeDoux J.E. - 2002
Post-training intra-amygdala scopolamine injection effects on conditioned place preference in rats
Schroeder, J.P., Packard M.G. - 2002
Appetitive conditioning and plasticity in medial geniculate nucleus and lateral amygdala during paradoxical sleep in rats
Maho, C., Hennevin E. - 2002
Cerebroventricular corticotropin-releasing factor on limbic glucose metabolism and social behaviors in primates
Strome, E.M., Wheler G.H.T., Higley J.D., Loriaux D.L., Suomi S.J., Doudet D.J. - 2002
Prefrontal and anterior temporal pathways in the amygdala of monkeys
Ghashghaei, H.T., Barbas H. - 2002
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and tyrosine kinase B mRNA expression in cortex and limbic regions after social recognition memory in sheeps
Broad, K.D., Mimmack M.L., Keverne E.B., Kendrick K.M. - 2002
Gastrin-related peptide on lateral amygdala activity, fear conditioning and long-term potentiation in mice
Shumyatsky, G.P., Tsvetkov E., Malleret G., Vronskaya S., Hatton M., Hampton L., Battey J.F., Dulac C., Kandel E.R., Bolshakiv V.Y. - 2002
Medial prefrontal cortex and dopamine regulation of conditioned responses in basolateral amygdala - Review
Grace, A.A., Rosenkranz J.A. - 2002
Extinction of conditioned fear - Commentary
Garcia, R. - 2002
c-fos expression in olfactory memory of rats: frontal cortex, amygdala and habenula
Tronel, S., Sara S.J. - 2002
Group II glutamate receptor agonist and antagonist into the amygdala on fear and fear conditioning in rats
Walker, D.L., Rattiner L.M., Davis M. - 2002
Protein kinase A inhibitor into the amygdala on short- and long-term memory of conditioned taste aversion in rats
Koh, M.T., Thiele T.E., Bernstein I.L. - 2002
Amygdalar A-kinase anchoring proteins and auditory fear conditioning in rats
Moita, M.A.P., Lamprecht R., Nader K., LeDoux J.E. - 2002
Amygdala projections to hippocampus and parahippocampal region in rats
Kemppainen, S., Jolkkonen E., Pitkanen A. - 2002
5-HT1A agonist and antagonist on operant conditioning of intact and 5,7-DHT-lesioned rats
Body, S., Kheramin S., Mobini S., Ho M.-Y., Velazquez-Martinez D.N., Bradshaw C.M., Szabadi E. - 2002
Amygdala inactivation on medial geniculate nucleus activity during auditory fear conditioning in rats
Maren, S., Yap S.A., Goosens K.A. - 2001
Basolateral amygdala and dorsal striatum lidocaine inactivation on radial maze learning in rats
Kantak, K.M., Green-Jordan K., Valencia E., Kremin T., Eichenbaum H.B. - 2001
Unconditioned fear response and basolateral amygdala in rats
Vazdarjanova, A., Cahill L., McGaugh J.L. - 2001
Histaminergic H3 antagonist in basolateral amygdala on acetylcholine release and contextual fear conditioning in rats
Passani, M.B., Cangioli I., Baldi E., Bucherelli C., Mannaioni P.F., Blandina P. - 2001
Stress effects on hippocampal and amygdaloid long-term potentiation - Review
Diamond, D.M., Park C.R., Puls M.J., Rose G.M. - 2001
Cerebellum and amygdala role in conditioned suppression in the rat
Mintz, M., Wang-Ninio Y. - 2001
Fear memory retrieval and CREB phosphorylation in the amygdala in rats
Hall, J., Thomas K.L., Everitt B.J. - 2001
Insular, cingulate, prefrontal cortices and amygdala lesions ontaste-mediated odor learning in rats
Sakai, N., Yamamoto T. - 2001