Hippocampal and parietal cortex lesions on spatial memory in rats
DeCoteau, W.E., Kesner R.P. - 1998
Prefrontal cortex and caudate lesions on operant conditioning of rats
Winocur, G., Eskes G. - 1998
Hippocampal lesions on latent inhibition - Review
Buhusi, C., Gray J.A., Schmajuk N.A. - 1998
Thalamic and olfactory cortical lesions on olfactory discrimination and conditioning in rats
Zhang, Y., Burk J.A., Glode B.M., Mair R.G. - 1998
Cortical fetal brain implants on codnitioned taste aversion in rats: insular cortex lesions
Ormsby, C.E., Ramirez-Amaya V., Bermudez-Rattoni F. - 1998
Prefrontal cortex lesions and spatial memory in rats
Ragozzino, M.E., Adams S., Kesner R.P. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex lesions and water maze performance in rats
Liu, P., Bilkey D.K. - 1998
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and fear in rats
Treit, D., Aujla H., Menard J. - 1998
Fornix, entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex lesions on olfactory cue conditioning in rats
Dusek, J.A., Einchenbaum H. - 1998
Frontal cortex, hippocampus and intralaminar thalamic nuclei lesions on spatial learning in rats
Mair, R.G., Burk J.A., Porter M.C. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Wiig, K.A., Burwell R.D. - 1998
Dorsal hippocampus on context discrimination and fear conditioning in mice
Frankland, P.W., Cestari V., Filipkowski R.K., McDonald R.J., Silva A.J. - 1998
Unilateral hippocampal lesions in newborn and adult rats on spatial memory and brain derived neurotrophic factor gene expression
Van Praag, H., Qu P.M., Elliott R.C., Wu H., Dreyfus C.F., Black I.B. - 1998
Olfactory recognition and entorhinal lesions in rats
Wirth, S., Ferry B., Di Scala G. - 1998
Medial and lateral parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Sakai, N., Yamamoto T. - 1998
Medial septal and entorhinal lesions on working memory in rats
Yee, B.K., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1998
Hippocampus and fornix lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Murphy, R.A., McDonald R.J., Baker A.G. - 1998
Hippocampal lesions on conditioned suppression of conditioned stimulus and context conditioning in rats
Rawlins, J.N.P., Tanner J. - 1998
Fimbria-fornix lesions on path integration in rats
Whishaw, I.Q., Maaswinkel H. - 1998
Prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in timing behavior of the rat
Dietrich, A., Allen J.D. - 1998
Parabrachial nucleus lesions on conditioned odor aversion in rats
Grigson, P.S., Reilly S., Scalera G., Norgren R. - 1998
Ventro-medial hypothalamus lesions on lordosis and ultrasound production in hamsters
Gibson, B., Floody O.R. - 1998
Conditional associative learning and hippocampal system in rats
Sziklas, V., Lebel S., Petrides M. - 1998
Subiculum and entorhinal cortex on spatial working memory in rats
Kesner, R.P., Giles R. - 1998
Memory consolidation and hippocampal system - Commentary
Jaffard, R., Bontempi B., Laurent-Demir C., Destrade C. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex on configural and paired-associated learning in monkeys
Buckley, M.J., Gaffan D. - 1998
Perirhinal cortex lesions and radial maze deficit in rats
Liu, P., Bilkey D.K. - 1998
Medial septal area on spatial memory in rats
Brandner, C., Schenk F. - 1998
Intra- and extra-maze cues in spatial memory and hippocampal lesions in rats
Ramos, J.M.J. - 1998
Cerebellar interpositus dentate region on conditioned taste aversion in rats
Mediavilla, C., Molina F., Puerto A. - 1998