Decapeptide ceruletide on avoidance response in rats: neuroleptic effects
Hagino, Y., Moroji T. - 1987
Spatial preference in T-maze and dopaminergic system in rats
Castellano, M.A., Diaz-Palarea M.D., Rodriguez M., Barroso J. - 1987
D1 agonists on grooming behavior in rats
Molloy, A.G., Waddington J. L. - 1987
Neurochemistry of behavior - Review
Panksepp , J. - 1986
Cerebral noradrenaline and dopamine on locomotion and grooming in different strains of mice
Krehbiel, D. , Bartel B., Dirks M., Wiens W. - 1986
Plasma corticosterone, cerebral biogenic amines and passive avoidance in mice
Dunn, A.J., Elfvin K.L., Berridge C.W. - 1986
Intracerebroventricular substance P and its fragmentation on passive avoidance and brain dopamine, serotonin levels in mice
Pelleymounter, M.A., Fisher Q., Schlesinger K., Hall M., Dearmey P., Steward J. - 1986
Nicotine on eploratory behavior and β-endorphine levels of rats
Lee, E.H.Y. - 1985
Intra-hypothalamic 6-hydroxydopamine on feeding, locomotor activity and hypothermia in rats: propranolol and haloperidol effects
Willis, G.L., Smith G.C. - 1985
Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine injection into ventral striatum on passive avoidance, locomotor activity, serotonergic and dopaminergic system in rats
Schwarting, R., Carey R.J. - 1985
Amygdala stimulation on passive avoidance consolidation and brain catecholamine levels in mice
Welsh, K.A., Gold P.E. - 1985
Dopamine into the amygdala and laterality in rats
Bradbury, A.J., Costall B., Domeney A.M., Naylor R.J. - 1985
Substance P in ventral mesencephalon on exploration and locomotion in rats
Kelley, A.E., Cador M., Stinus L. - 1985
6-hydroxydopamine accumbens lesions on passive avoidance and locomotion/exploration in rats
Taghzouti, K., Simon H., Louilot A., Herman J.P., Le Moal M. - 1985
Dopaminergic modulation of active avoidance and circling behavior in rats
Krejci, I., Pragerova H., Schuh J., Dlabac A. - 1985
Effects of dopamine agonists and antagonists in striatum and substantia nigra in mice
Bradbury, A.J., Costall B., Kelly M.E., Naylor R.J., Smith J.A. - 1985
Accumbal 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on spatial learning in rats
Taghzouti, K., Louilot A., Herman J.P., Le Moal M., Simon H. - 1985
Brain 3,4-dihidroxyphenylacetic acid enhancement induced by footshock stress in rats
Deutch, A.Y., Tam S.-Y., Roth R.H. - 1985
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, medial prefrontal cortex and olfactory tubercles after footshock stress in rats
Deutch, A.Y., Tam S.-Y., Roth R.H. - 1985
Intracrebroventricular dopamine or prostaglandin E1 on core temperature and motor activity in rats
Marques, P.R., Spencer R.L., Burks T.F., McDougal J.N. - 1984
ACTH1-17 and haloperidol on avoidance in rats
Drago, F., Continella G., Scapagnini U. - 1984
Psychobiology of opioids: neurotransmitters and behavior - Review
Oliverio, A., Castellano C., Puglisi-Allegra S. - 1984
Grooming by ACTH1-24 in monoamine modulation in rats
Dunn, A.J., Alpert J.E., Iversen S.D. - 1984
6-hydroxydopamine in dorsal noradrenergic bundle on conditioned suppression in rats
Tsaltas, E., Gray J.A., Fillenz M. - 1984
Substance P on locomotor activity in rats: opioid and dopaminergic modulation
Naranjo, J.R., Del Rio J. - 1984
Intra-nucleus accumbens neurotensin dopamine effects on locomotion and rearing in rats
Kalivas, P.W., Nemeroff C.B., Prange A.J. - 1984
Two-way avoidance method in rodents - Technique
Bracs, P.U., Jackson D.M., Gregory P. - 1984
Intra-accumbens dopamine on passive avoidance in rats
Bracs, P.U., Gregory P., Jackson D.M. - 1984
Hippocampal and cortical lesions on conditioned feeding and drinking in rats
Tang, C., Wallace M., Singer G., Mackenzie L. - 1984
CCK on accumbal dopamine release in rats
Voigt, M.M., Wang R.Y. - 1984