Medial prefrontal cortex lesions on visual attention task in Wistar and hooded rats
Broersen, L.M., Uylings H.B.M. - 1999
Perirhinal cortex, entorhinal cortex and medial thalamic lesions on object recognition in rats
Kornecook, T.J., Anzarut A., Pinel J.P.J. - 1999
Acoustic startle reflex and hippocampal lesions in rats
Blaszczyk, J.W., Walasek G., Woznicka A., Seress L. - 1999
Hippocampal lesions on conditioned freezing to context and spatial learning in rats
Richmond, M.A., Pozet B., Veenman L., Feldon J., Yee B.K., Rawlins J.N.P., Bannerman D.M. - 1999
Hippocampal lesions on spatial learning in the rat
Bannerman, D.M., Yee B.K., Good M.A., Heupel M.J., Iversen S.D., Rawlins J.N.P. - 1999
Periaqueductal gray lesions on conditioned freezing and suppression in rats
Amorapanth, P., Nader K., LeDoux J.E. - 1999
Hippocampal lesions and path integration in the rat
Maaswinkel, H., Jarrard L.E., Whishaw I.Q. - 1999
Medial prefrontal and neostriatal lesions on operant delayed alternation in rats
Dunnett, S.B., Nathwani F., Brasted P.J. - 1999
Posterior parietal cortex and posterior temporal cortex lesions on spatial and non-spatial task in the rat
Tees, R.C. - 1999
Insular cortex lesions and conditioned taste aversion in the rat
Cubero, I., Thiele T.E., Bernstein I.L. - 1999
Perirhinal cortex and area TE lesions on visual discrimination in monkeys
Buffalo, E.A., Ramus S.J., Clark R.E., Teng E., Squire L.R., Zola S.M. - 1999
Nucleus accumbens core and shell lesions on conditioned suppression to context and conditioned stimulus in the rat
Parkinson, J.A., Robbins T.W., Everitt B.J. - 2000
Entorhinal, hippocampal and subicular lesions on latent inhibition in rats
Coutureau, E., Galani R., Gosselin O., Majchrzak M., Di Scala G. - 1999
Uni- and bilateral hippocampal lesions on radial maze and odor-paired tasks in rats
Li, H., Matsumoto K., Watanabe H. - 1999
Cerebellum in procedural learning of spatial processing in the rat
Leggio, M.G., Neri P., Graziano A., Mandolesi L., Molinari M., Petrosini L. - 1999
Cerebellar cortex lesions on conditioned eyelid responses in rabbits
Garcia, K.S., Steele P.M., Mauk M.D. - 1999
Lateralized fascia dentata lesions and unilateral hippocampal blockade on spatial memory in rats
Czeh, B., Seress L., Nadel L., Bures J. - 1998
Cholinergic septal lesions on spatial memory in rats
Janis, L.S., Glasier M.M., Fulop Z., Stein D.G. - 1998
Animal models of Alzheimer's disease - Review
McDonald, M.P., Overmier J.B. - 1998
Nitric oxide synthase activity in cerebellum and forebrain in MAM-induced microencephalic rats
Tregnago, M., Virgili M., Monti B., Guarnirei T., Contestabile A. - 1998
192 IgG-saporin nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions and behavior - Review
Wrenn, C.C., Wiley R.G. - 1998
Recognition memory in rats - Review
Steckler, T., Sahgal A., Aggleton J.P., Drinkenburg W.H.I.M. - 1998
Stria terminalis lesions and epinephrine on avoidance consolidation in rats
Torras-Garcia, M., Costa-Miserachs D., Portell-Cortes I., Morgado-Bernal I. - 1998
Nucleus basalis magnocellularis lesions on operant conditioning -related potentials in amygdala, nucleus accumbens, dorsal hippocampus and frontal cortex of the rat
Ehlers, C.L., Somes C., Lopez A.L., Robledo P. - 1998
Central amygdala lesions on aggressive behavior in cats
Zagrodzka, J., Hedberg C.E., Mann G.L., Morrison A.R. - 1998
Recognition memory in rats - Review
Steckler, T., Drinkenburg W.H.I.M., Sahgal A., Aggleton J.P. - 1998
Fear conditioning in rats: amygdala lesions on auditory cortex spikes
Armony, J.L., Quirk G.J., LeDoux J.E. - 1998
Amygdala, dorsal raphe, ventral medullary and spinal cord lesions on analgesia in rats
Watkins, L.R., Wiertelak E.P., McGorry M., Martinez J., Schwartz B., Sisk D., Maier S.F. - 1998
Fornix, amygdala and dorsal striatum lesions on operant conditioning in rats
Salinas, J.A., White N.M. - 1998
Central amygdala lesions on fear conditioning in mice: hippocampal and septal inputs
Desmedt, A., Garcia R., Jaffard R. - 1998